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Why do people replace their phones so often when they’re still usable? What do our consumption patterns tell us about planned obsolescence and marketing strategies?


This article explains why people change their cell phones more often than other electronics, pointing to planned obsolescence and the marketing strategies of manufacturers as reasons. The limited lifespan of cell phones, the impact of new product release cycles on consumers, and environmental concerns are also covered, emphasizing the need for smart consumers.   Do you change your...

Is mechanical engineering just manufacturing or a key skill for the future of society?


  Mechanical engineering is more than just manufacturing; it plays a vital role in a wide range of fields, from the industrial revolution of the past to advanced technology of today to the environmental challenges and space exploration of tomorrow. It is an essential discipline that improves human lives in the real world and drives technological innovation for a sustainable future.  ...

3D printers solve dilemmas by blurring the lines between technology and art – are we ready for this revolutionary future?


  3D printers are a revolutionary technology that solves the dilemma between engineering and art, enabling the creation of complex designs quickly and easily. They are being used in a wide range of industries, and are driving major changes in custom manufacturing and healthcare.   3D printers, the key to solving dilemmas I’m currently in a double major program, studying electrical...

What causes mad cow disease, how is it transmitted, and why can a modified prion protein be transmitted to humans?


  Mad cow disease is caused by a modified prion protein infecting the nervous system of cattle, and when this modified protein is transmitted to humans, it can cause human mad cow disease. The route of infection is primarily through ingestion of bodily fluids or meat from infected cattle, and there is currently no cure.   In 2008, during the beef trade negotiations related to the Korea...

LEDs and OLEDs drive the slim display revolution, but where does it go from here?


  LED and OLED technologies are driving the future of display innovation, enabling display devices to become slimmer and more powerful. OLEDs in particular are being touted as the next generation of displays due to their flexibility and ability to produce a wide range of colors, and will have a major impact on the lighting market in the future.   LEDs and OLEDs light the way at the...

Will humanity overcome the entropy crisis with technological advancements or perish from resource depletion?


Drawing on Jeremy Rifkin’s Entropy, I discuss the impact of energy use and technological advancement on the future of humanity. The author argues that an increase in entropy is inevitable, but that humanity can overcome it through technological advancement, and suggests ways to solve current problems.   Entropy is the title of this book and an accurate representation of the...

Smart grids: Can intelligent power grids solve our energy challenges and lead to a sustainable future?


  Smart grids are intelligent power grids that incorporate IT technologies to enable real-time electricity demand and efficient energy management. They have the potential to reduce power waste, maximize the use of clean, alternative energy sources, and contribute to sustainable development.   The smart power grid – the smart grid Since the discovery and dissemination of...

How far is the ethical legitimacy of scientific research acceptable, and how does this affect societal standards?


When scientific research reveals new discoveries about human nature, how do these discoveries conflict with existing ethical standards, and how far can ethical legitimacy be accepted in the face of such conflict? In doing so, it re-examines the interplay between science and ethics and explores the possibility of changing societal values.   David Carrier of the University of Utah, USA...

How do science and art overlap in their intuitive inspiration and desire to explore?


Science and art may seem like different activities on the surface, but they both start with intuitive inspiration and a desire to explore, and where they overlap is where new discoveries and creations are made. They are essentially indistinguishable and find a common driving force in the emotion of awe and wonder at nature.   People are easily moved by a good painting or a piece of music...

With the advancement of science and technology, jobs and self-fulfillment: how should we prepare for the future?


Advances in science and technology have led to growing concerns about job loss and unemployment. However, these changes can also be an opportunity for self-actualization. What direction should humans take in a mechanized future?   In the 21st century, humanity is living in a whirlwind of change. New scientific techniques and theories are published every day, and science and technology are...

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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!