Could eternal life bring true happiness and prosperity to humanity, or will it create new problems?


Technological advances toward eternal life are increasingly making it possible to extend human life forever. However, it is still debated whether infinite life will bring happiness or lead to problems such as resource scarcity and social change.


Eternal life means immortality. It means that humans can live forever. Humans have been striving for eternal life since time immemorial, and with the advancement of related technologies, we are gradually getting closer to this goal. Some of the most prominent areas of research in recent years include stem cells, artificial organs, and bionics, all three of which are deeply related to eternal life. However, the question remains whether eternal life will bring true happiness to humanity.
Is eternal life possible? Research on anti-aging technologies such as stem cells, artificial organs, and telomerase is actively underway. Especially in the field of artificial organs, we’re seeing positive results with things like prosthetic noses and prosthetic ears. If these research advances continue, we may be able to achieve eternal life. But is living forever a positive thing? Some argue that eternal life could reduce the quality of life. The rapid growth of the population could lead to resource and energy shortages, social burdens due to longer life expectancy, and land scarcity. However, I believe that these problems can be solved.
First of all, eternal life means being able to continue living indefinitely, but it is different from unconditional eternal life in that it is possible to end one’s life at any time by autonomous choice. Of course, there is a difference between a finite life and an infinite life, but infinity will not lead to boredom. By dividing your life into segments and setting goals for each segment, you can reduce the burden of an infinite life. Therefore, I don’t think eternal life would reduce the quality of life. Resource and energy problems can also be solved naturally as technology develops for eternal life. Research into renewable energy is already underway, and if progress in this area continues, resource and energy problems will be overcome.
Increasing average age will also not be a problem. While aging is problematic because of health issues, welfare burdens, and a declining productive population, these issues can be addressed through technological advancements. In addition, societal perceptions of the aging population will change over time. The labor force utilization of the older population will also improve, so it is not appropriate to view the increase in average age as a problem. Land scarcity can also be overcome with technologies such as skyscrapers and floating buildings.
Despite these solutions, there may be opposition. For example, Martin Heidegger argued that “the failure to recognize the finitude of time reduces happiness”. Jacques Lacan argued that “non-subjective desires can lead to a life of eternal dissatisfaction,” but this is a problem that exists today and can be overcome if we can control the desires of others.
Ultimately, once these objections are overcome, eternal life offers many benefits to humanity. Being able to do whatever we want, whenever we want, in an infinite amount of time would greatly improve the quality of human life. Life would be richer, and happiness and satisfaction would increase. It would also accelerate technological progress, which would lead to advances in various fields such as science, literature, and art. As a result, humanity will no longer have shortages, and crime and war will naturally decrease.
Some people still view eternal life negatively, but when you examine the basis of their arguments, you’ll find that many of them are either solvable or inadequate. The benefits of eternal life for humanity far outweigh the drawbacks. We will be able to live a richer and more fulfilling life, and in this respect, I am convinced that eternal life will bring happiness to mankind.


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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!