A collection of inspiring acceptance speeches for every occasion



Find inspiring and spontaneous acceptance speeches for any special occasion, whether it’s an award ceremony, event, or contest. We’ve got the perfect acceptance speech to make your special moment shine.


Greetings from the president-elect of a local women’s organization

Good morning, Women’s Association members. I’d like to start by saying thank you for electing me today. I believe that your election is the result of your concern about the lack of women’s policies in our region and your sincere desire to protect women’s rights. In response to your wishes, I promise to give in-depth consideration to women’s issues in Tokyo and to listen to you, above all else.
As a member of the Women’s Association, I am deeply regretful of the past path toward gender equality and maternity protection, the days when we took only a few steps on that path and talked about it, and as a result, despite the size of our city, we have a severe lack of policies to support women. The Women’s Association has been a sluggish organization and a hollow organization, and as a result, our city is currently in a state of shame, with no childcare support and insecurity on the streets at night. As a woman, I am deeply saddened by this situation, and I will strive to make the Women’s Association a united organization that can speak with one voice and demand our share, the share of women.
The first step will be to reform the organization from within. I will eliminate the unnecessary programs that have been used only for self-promotion and the programs that waste money. We need to select programs that are essential to the community and that can help women’s culture blossom. Through a long process of discussion, compromise, and concession, I will strive to ensure that the Women’s Association contributes to the development of local female talent, the advancement of women’s culture, and the protection of women’s rights. I will take a giant leap forward from previous years, and I will take the policies I proposed as a candidate as serious commitments, with minor modifications. I ask for your support and cooperation in this process, and I ask for your warm encouragement, sometimes with a cold slap on the wrist, sometimes with a warm encouragement.
Reform, my friends, is a miracle that can only happen with everyone’s cooperation, and I ask you to always remember that. Let’s make our city the city where women want to live, the city where women’s rights are protected and empowered. And that concludes my remarks, thank you for listening.



Acceptance speech at the local music festival

On this joyous day, for some reason, I am reminded of my disadvantaged childhood. My life as a child was practically desolate, living in a torn-down house with no roof over my head, and all I could do was cry under my breath and sit around in frustration.
Then music came to me, a dark and despondent freshman in junior high school, living a life without much of a dream. My life was changed forever by a single song sung by my music teacher in class on an ordinary day. The song was Magnolia. As I listened to her beautiful, solemn voice, my heart rose like a wave, and the emotion that flooded my young heart was indescribable. From then on, I began to learn to sing from her – not so much learn, but listen. I would listen to the beautiful songs over and over again.
There were no more poor and hungry evenings after I learned to sing. Even if I starved all day, I would still hum the melody. After that, there were more sad days, but I was never lonely, because I had music in my life. Now, my family has left me, one by one, but I am not lonely, as long as I have my companion, my song. Life with song may not have been rich, but it was beautiful. My stage now, the stage where I sing, is a small café. I can only sing for a short time on that stage, and that makes me thirstier for this festival. It’s a big stage, my stage, where I can sing at the top of my lungs. It’s been a great joy for me just to be here, and now that I’ve won this award, I’m just overwhelmed with gratitude. I’m even more happy that the first award I ever received was for music.
Today, I feel like this award is a warm encouragement to work harder. As long as there are people who listen to me, as long as I have a voice left, I want to sing until the end of time. I can now say with caution. That music is my destiny. It is a light that has come into my life with beauty and fullness. I hope that you, too, have a life filled with beautiful music. Once again, thank you all for your support.



Popular Employee Recognition Ceremony Employee Testimonials

Hello, my name is ○○○, I work in the Human Resources Department. First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my boss and all employees for giving me this award. Personally, I have been with the company for less than two years, and I am very happy and embarrassed to receive this award. I have always wondered whether I am doing my job well as a member of our company. Of course, I have tried my best to do my job, and I have worked overtime to come up with better ideas, but I have always thought that I was not good enough, so I am very grateful for this award.
Now that I think about it, I think I’ve won this award because of a belief I’ve always had. I tend to think that if I have a positive mindset when I’m working, I’ll be able to get the job done. After all, I’m not the only one doing the work, and it takes everyone’s efforts to produce good results. In such a situation, if things don’t go well, there will be times when we make misleading remarks to each other or blame others, so I think it’s necessary to encourage and support each other no matter how difficult or difficult the work is.
I believe that a good relationship between people creates an atmosphere in which they can focus and concentrate on their work, and I also believe that sincere exchanges between people make it easier for them to talk about their discomfort with each other’s work, and that such adjustments will be ripe for a more developed work environment. Therefore, I have always tried to give good energy to the other person based on my positive personality and induce an atmosphere in which they can work with ease, and I think I have been actively participating in the company unity contest to show our unity and united minds to the fullest.
I think this award was given to me because I had a positive attitude about everything and did my best in work and other things. I would like to thank our company president and other employees for this award. I promise that this award will inspire me to be more positive and do my best at work.



Comments on receiving the Outstanding Employee Award

Hello, my name is ○○○, a team leader in the Marketing Department. On the occasion of the company’s year-end party, I would like to thank our company president and all employees for giving me this award. In fact, I am very sorry that I deserve this award, and I am very happy to be recognized by you as an employee of our company.
I remember when I joined our company as a proud new employee. I was both excited about starting my social life here and nervous about whether I would be able to do my job properly as a member of our company. However, with the encouragement and advice of many seniors, I gradually adapted to our company. I learned how to turn my enthusiasm and enthusiasm for work into a systematic way of solving problems and working through them, rather than just being passionate about them. Eventually, I was promoted to a high position in the company. Above all, even as a team leader, I always tried to keep my focus and do my best at my job. I have also provided quality advice and encouragement to my juniors as my seniors have helped me, and by imitating their wise and warm hearts, I have always tried my best to lead by example to give my juniors the trust they deserve, even when I became a senior. Fortunately, I think my juniors have also trusted me and followed me.
I don’t think I could have received this award today by my own efforts alone. I will never be complacent just because I received this award, and I believe that the true meaning of this award is to tell me to move forward in my work. I will try to show a lot of competence as a team leader who will not disappoint the employees in my department, and I will always think about the future and give good opinions for the company.
I would like to thank the boss and all the employees for giving me this award, and I promise to repay you with a more improved appearance and work performance in the coming year. Thank you.



Filmmaker Festival Award Winner’s Statement

Thank you. I don’t know how to express this joy and honor. I made the movie without the desire for awards. I didn’t care about what people thought, I just made the movie the way I felt, the way I thought it was right, and then I got this unexpected award, so I’m going to say a few words and then I’m going to go down.
Movies exist for audiences. It’s natural to make a movie that the audience will like, but the current reality of movies in Korea is that they are too sensationalized and sensationalized to cater to that audience. There are many movies that have no content, no sense of theme, and no sense of direction from the writer or director, and the strangest thing is that the more thematic the movie, the better it is. Audiences don’t want to be serious while watching a movie. They don’t want to face uncomfortable realities while watching a movie, which is why fantasy and big blockbusters are so popular. Producers understand this psychology, so they order movies that cater to the public’s tastes. It’s a vicious cycle: uncomfortable realities make both the filmmakers and the audience uncomfortable.
A movie reality in which filmmakers, so-called artists, compromise for money and make glossy shells. What do you think of this reality? Artists are free people, and they have something to say. They create because they have something to say. Filmmakers, in particular, are people who project their souls onto the screen. But I don’t see any soul in movies these days. I feel like I’m watching a bunch of uninspired fabric filled with cool, sexy actors.
I admire filmmakers. I love my seniors and colleagues who don’t let go of their movies in the face of hard realities. I like and admire filmmakers a lot, which is why I am so disappointed in them. I sincerely hope that more movies with soul will be made. I dedicate this award to my soul today, thank you.



Blogger Awards Grand Prize Winner’s Statement

Good evening, everyone. I am a power influencer who is the winner of the Blogger Awards Grand Prize 2022. I never imagined that my blog, which started as a hobby in 2002, would grow so far and bring me this honor.
I was just happy to be able to share my interests with others, and I was amazed at the number of visitors and comments I received. I still enjoy cooking and posting about it, and I’m grateful for the interest I get from people who visit, so I’ve worked hard to get to this point. What started as a hobby has become my full-time job, but I’m still thrilled to be able to entertain people through something I love.
As some of you can relate, and some of you can’t, being a blogger is not an easy life. From the time I started as a hobby, I’ve spent at least three hours a day managing my blog to keep my neighbors and visitors entertained with new material. Since I started blogging full-time, I’ve traveled all over the country to source fresh ingredients for my dishes, and I’m constantly working on new recipes. Even the travelogue photos I’ve shown you in the intervals have not been traveling for the sake of traveling, but rather visiting places to purchase ingredients for cooking. Of course, it’s been for fun, and sometimes it’s been hard work, but it’s been more fun than anything else. Every moment has been a new and fresh experience, whether it’s cooking a local dish with new and unfamiliar ingredients or developing my own recipes. I’d like to thank all of you who have loved my blog and supported me to win such a great award.
As we’ve gotten more visitors and word of mouth has spread, there have been a few people who have deliberately come to the blog to say unkind things, and I’d like to take this opportunity to thank them as well. I know you’re going to call me an arrogant ass again, but you’ve made me think twice before I post, and you’ve made me test my recipes one more time. I didn’t want to be told that I was just hanging out every day with nothing to do, so I worked harder on my menus, and I worked harder on my blog, and I think it’s all of that hard work that has gotten me to where I am today. I will continue to be a blogger who strives to be more informative and useful to everyone who visits, and this award is a pep talk for that, and I’ll take it with a grain of salt. Once again, I want to thank all of my neighbors and visitors for voting for me and supporting me. Thank you.



Award Winner’s Short Statement

Thank you. I was just following my heart, and I am overwhelmed by this award. I first started volunteering because I realized that there are more people in our society who need help than I thought. After that realization, working for a volunteer organization made me realize that I had been too complacent and had been living a life of privilege. In the process of helping others in need, I felt pathetic and small.
One of the biggest things I noticed while working with volunteer organizations was that they were incredibly happy and grateful for the little attention and gestures I gave them. It made me realize that helping someone less fortunate than myself, and making them smile, doesn’t have to be a big deal.
There are people out there who need our help right now, and it’s not hard to put a ray of hope in their hearts. I think it’s our duty to help our neighbors in need, and I hope we can all give them a little love. It’s a bit embarrassing to receive such an honorable award for doing what I feel is the right thing to do. It’s very meaningful and heartwarming to be able to help someone less fortunate than yourself. I wish our society could be a little warmer, so thank you.



Winner’s remarks on the Internal Excellence Award

Hello, my name is ○○○ from the Strategy Development Team. First of all, I would like to say thank you to the people who gave me such a great award before the end of the year, and I would like to express my apologies to my colleagues in the Strategy Development Team who are suffering more than me. I’m just accepting this award on behalf of my teammates, not myself, because without them, I wouldn’t have been able to get this far today.
As I mentioned in my interview when I joined the company, the person I most admire is Nikola Tesla. Most people think of Thomas Edison when they hear the title of inventor. But I think of Nikola Tesla before Thomas Edison. Nikola Tesla was an American electrical engineer. After working for Thomas Edison’s company for years on generators and electric motors, Nikola Tesla invented the alternating current power distribution system that we use today. Nikola Tesla developed some of the most fundamental principles of electricity transmission. Nikola Tesla is often thought of as a hapless genius scientist who lived in the shadow of Thomas Edison. Nikola Tesla is considered a genius who shaped the course of modern science for more than 100 years. But the Nikola Tesla I admire was a man who didn’t care what people thought of him. He wasn’t obsessed with personal fame or wealth, and he was rewarded for doing what he found interesting.
When we work in development at a company, we tend to be obsessed with achievements. It’s easier to be judged by people for being a key player in the development of a technology than for being part of a development team, but the mistake you can make is that you lose sight of what’s important to settle for. Thankfully, we have a lot of wise people in our team, and we have never had a case where we were fighting for credit or achievements. Of course, the biggest reason is that we were all so united and focused on our work that it didn’t matter. I interpret this award as a reminder to keep the same mindset and work harder to be the best. Once again, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the people who gave me this award and to my teammates who helped me achieve it. Thank you.



Social Worker Reflections on Social Worker Day Recognition

Today, as I receive this recognition for Social Workers’ Day, I am embarrassed before I am happy and humbled before I am honored. I know what it means to be recognized because I know that I didn’t make it on my own, and I know that my life has been built on the sweat and tears of others.
Social work is never easy, and social workers, including myself, live with a heavy heart and a sense of mission. We know that our clients’ lives are so much brighter because of our care and support. As a senior welfare major, I currently work as the director of a local senior center, where I provide several programs for lonely and isolated seniors. We offer activities such as dance programs and healthy meal preparation for local seniors. We have also implemented a meal delivery service for the elderly who live alone. The difference these programs have made gives me great joy. It’s rewarding and gratifying to see the frowns on their faces when I first meet them, and to see them gradually regain their smiles and find purpose and vitality in their lives.
To be able to be a light in someone’s day, to be able to help and comfort them in some small way, is an invaluable reason why I would never give up my job as a social worker, even if it meant a small salary and poor treatment. As long as my heart is full of satisfaction and happiness, the salary is not a big deal to me. The fruits of my hard work and struggle are never mine alone, and the efforts of social workers are the cornerstone of making more people happy and eventually creating a happier society.
I would also like to take this opportunity to ask you to show care and love for the elderly. The marginalization and loneliness felt by the elderly is more dangerous and deadly than the disease itself. The elderly think that they are not needed by society, so what they need most is the warmth of their families and the care of their surroundings when they are having a hard day.
If I have a wish, it is that I would like to live as a social worker until the end of my life. Even if my body becomes incapacitated, I would like to live as a helpful person, a person who spreads laughter and vitality, until my mobility becomes impossible. This is my biggest dream. Today’s recognition will serve as a grateful reminder to affirm my dreams whenever I have doubts in tough moments. This recognition, which is undeserved and precious to me, will serve as a mirror for me to refine myself. I can’t yet say that I am worthy of this recognition, but I promise to live up to it, to be the kind of worker that it deserves, so that the meaning you have given me will never fade. Thank you once again.



On winning the Drama Writers’ Competition

Even if I were to repeat the words “thank you” a billion times, I would still not be able to express my gratitude. In the face of the heart-filling emotions that I have encountered today, I find it difficult to express my feelings in human language. First of all, I want to thank God for giving me this undeserved honor when I still have so much more to learn than I have accomplished.
There is a poem called “Asking the Stars,” in which the story of Uranus is told. It is said that a person living on Uranus sees day and night only once in their lifetime because day and night last for forty-two years. The poet is also singing about the beauty of the great flower, which blooms only once in a lifetime. How desperate and precious these once-in-a-lifetime glimpses of light and flowers must be. Looking back, I am moved to tears because my life is similar. The life of a drama writer, which I started after leaving a stable job, has never been easy. From collecting materials and conducting interviews to creating characters, nothing has been easy, but I have endured the dark and narrow road, the hard days rather than passing the needle through the eye of a needle, by drawing a single flower. I am grateful for the years of education and past pain that have hardened me, the endless meetings and self-doubt that have brought me to the glory I have today.
Even now, many of you are probably chasing your dreams with frustration and tears, and I want to be a ray of hope for them. I want to be the one who proves that it’s not how old or young you are, but how strong your dreams are that determines the rest of your life. Flowers don’t always bloom in the spring. Late bloomers are no less beautiful, and the beauty of the autumn flowers that color the fields in the fall is no less beautiful than the spring flowers. I believe that the longer you wait, the bigger and more dazzling the flowers will be. What matters is the courage and persistence to let your dreams bloom. I hope that my drama, my life, can be a catalyst for those who have something in their hearts that hasn’t blossomed. I believe that being a drama writer means writing for the audience, not for yourself, and I promise to work harder and harder to become a writer who can make waves in the hearts of the viewers. Lastly, I would like to give all of this honor to my husband, who has been understanding and supportive of me as a wife and a wife who is not enough, and I would like to end my speech by thanking you all once again.


About the author


Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!