Artificial intelligence, friend or foe, and how we should respond to future changes?


As artificial intelligence becomes an increasingly important topic in movies and real life, people are wondering whether it will be our friend or foe. As we look at both the positive and negative aspects of AI advancements, we need to think about how we can prepare for these changes.


AI is no stranger to movies: Her, The Terminator, I, Robot, and I, Robot are just a few of the movies that feature AI itself, and Iron Man and Tomorrowland are a few of the movies that feature AI indirectly. In these movies, AI can be smart and friendly, scary and threatening to humans, or always there to help. The prevalence of AI in movies reflects our growing interest in AI. As our awareness of AI grows, so do our views on it. Will AI be our friend or foe?
Artificial intelligence literally means “artificially created intelligence. It is commonly thought of as something that can be implemented through computers, and indeed, all artificial intelligence developed to date exists in the form of computer programs. Artificial intelligence is defined as a branch of computer science and information technology that studies the ability of computers to think, learn, and develop themselves in ways that human intelligence can. When people think of artificial intelligence, they often imagine a computer or robot with human-level intelligence. We think of a robot that understands human speech and acts on human commands. How idealistic would that be if AI were to develop at this rate?
Those who view the development of AI positively argue that it is humans who will eventually dominate machines. According to them, AI is just a machine created by humans, and the master-servant relationship between machines and humans is firmly established. AI will help humans in many ways, from household chores to jobs, AI robots could take over. The computer in your home will know more about your health than your doctor, and people who live alone will be able to relieve their loneliness by having a robot at home to talk to. Humans will benefit from these technologies and may be able to live a comfortable life, doing what they want to do without having to work. However, the future that experts predict is unlikely to be as carefree as the movies.
“In a 2014 interview with the BBC, Dr. Stephen Hawking warned that the development of full artificial intelligence could lead to the demise of the human race. According to him, AI will be able to improve and leapfrog itself, whereas humans will be unable to compete with it due to our slow biological evolution and will eventually be replaced. It’s a chilling prediction, but one that’s entirely possible. According to Ray Kurzweil, the author of the technological singularity theory, in the near future, AI may have the ability to create AI that is smarter than itself. If AI explodes in intelligence and becomes uncontrollable, it could attack humans before they have a chance to act on their bad intentions. Even if this isn’t an actual threat, it could be a major threat if AI takes over all of our jobs, leaving us without the jobs we need to survive.
So what does the future hold? I don’t think it’s going to be hostile to humanity, at least I don’t think it’s going to be hostile to humanity. It’s just a human creation, and we understand that it’s a very complex invention, and it has a lot of room for abuse. I think the people who are working on it right now are world-renowned, and I think they understand what they’re doing, and I think they’re going to do it in a way that’s going to benefit humanity, and I trust them, so I don’t have a lot of concerns about the future when it comes to artificial intelligence.
But why are some people pessimistic about the future? Perhaps it’s because humans have an instinctive fear of what they don’t understand, and many historical events support this. For example, when photography first appeared, many people believed that being photographed would take away their souls. Or when TV first came out, some people feared that in the future, everyone would be watching TV instead of doing anything else. These are long gone, of course, but the fear of the unknown continues to manifest itself today. When South Korea announced in 2008 that it was importing beef from the United States, many people protested against it because they thought it was at greater risk of contracting mad cow disease. This has now been proven to be completely false, but at the time it was enough to send hundreds of thousands of people into the streets. A more recent example is virtual reality (VR). VR is a hot new technology, but it’s not without its critics: the fear that people will get lost in virtual worlds and neglect reality. But anyone who’s tried VR a few times will quickly realize that this is highly unlikely. It’s simply a vague fear of the unknown.
Artificial intelligence is no longer science fiction, it’s becoming a reality. In Silicon Valley, self-driving cars are already on the road, and smartphones come standard with voice-activated assistants. Within a few decades, AI will surpass human intelligence, and beyond that, the future is hard to predict, but one thing is certain: it will take over many of our jobs, and we don’t know much about it yet. When humans didn’t know much about the moon, they imagined monsters living on it, and made up all sorts of stories about it. Now, we don’t know much about AI, and we’re making up all sorts of stories for novels and movies. We don’t know how we will live in a future where AI is pervasive. But instead of simply worrying and fearing, why not be excited and hopeful about the new world to come?


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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!