
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

Why are altruistic behaviors still common in our society, despite their disadvantages to individuals?


The “group selection hypothesis” can explain why altruistic behavior still exists in modern societies where it is advantageous to pursue self-interest. According to this hypothesis, groups with more altruistic individuals have an advantage in survival and prosperity, and altruistic tendencies are maintained through institutions and cultural factors.   While many people say that...

Why do humans choose altruistic behavior over self-interest?


Homo economicus refers to humans making rational choices for material desires, but in reality, people often make irrational choices. Altruistic behavior, in particular, is the act of helping others despite disadvantages to oneself, and communication can increase this behavior. Cardenas’s commons game experiment shows that communication facilitates people’s altruistic behavior...

How can nuclear engineering contribute to solving future energy challenges and advancing radiation applications?


Nuclear engineering is divided into three fields: nuclear systems engineering, fusion and plasma engineering, and radiation engineering, each of which contributes to the development of technologies for energy production and various industrial applications. Majors acquire a wide range of knowledge through a variety of subjects, and after graduation, they play an important role in solving future...

How is imagination defined and what is its role in philosophy?


Imagination is defined in philosophy as the ability to reproduce and combine impressions and ideas. Hume saw imagination as an acquired faculty based on experience, while Kant saw it as an a priori faculty that connects the emotions and intellect. Modern philosophy recognizes imagination as a driving force for creativity and innovation.   What is imagination and how does philosophy define...

Is consciousne a material state of the brain or a functional role?


In psychological philosophy, identitarianism views consciousness as identical to the material state of the brain, while functionalism defines consciousness as a specific function and argues that the same function can be realized in different substances. Searle refutes functionalism with the “Chinese room” thought experiment, while Rowlands’ theory of extended cognition extends...

Why human genetic modification should be banned and the risks of dignity violations and social inequality


Human genetic modification has the potential to violate human dignity, erode the unconditional love of parents, and lead to eugenic social inequality. Allowing genetic modification without fully discussing its negative effects is premature and should be banned.   Science is advancing every day. One of the biggest scientific issues right now is human genetic modification. While some...

Why do humans engage in altruistic behavior, even at the risk of their own lives?


The altruistic behavior of humans to help others, even at the risk of their own lives, is due to a combination of social and cultural factors, including the kin selection hypothesis, which is based on the instinct to spread genes.   In the movie The Maze Runner, the main character Thomas sees injured Minho and Albie and rushes to them just before the maze’s doors close, trapping...

Are movie gangster show-offs really just bluffing or a form of ‘expensive signaling’?


The throat-clearing and beer-bottle smashing in the movies we grew up watching aren’t just about showing off. It’s a way to send a strong signal to others through your own unique abilities, and it’s an example of the “costly signaling” hypothesis. This hypothesis is found in a variety of fields, including art, sports, and academia, and plays an important role in...

Is human altruism a form of selfishness programmed by our genes?


This article explains the “kin selection hypothesis,” which proposes that altruistic behaviors such as parental love for children are based on the survival strategies of genes, rather than simple sacrifice. According to this hypothesis, altruistic behavior is a selfish means for genes to reproduce and survive, emphasizing the importance of kinship ties and cooperation.   There...

Can artificial intelligence emulate human intelligence, and what are the ethical and social implications?


Many devices in the smart age are powered by artificial intelligence, and voice recognition technologies like Siri aim to communicate with humans in language. The Turing Test and the Chinese Room Debate discuss the limitations of AI, but advances in AI are revolutionizing many fields. However, the ethical issues and social impacts of artificial intelligence require continued research and...

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!