
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

Can advances in artificial intelligence replace existing jobs and create new ones at the same time?


Artificial intelligence technologies in the Fourth Industrial Revolution are both replacing jobs and creating new ones. The use of artificial intelligence maximizes efficiency and convenience, but it also has a double-edged sword: it eliminates jobs and creates new ones, requiring us to adapt to the future of work.   As the Fourth Industrial Revolution progresses, AI is becoming more and...

How can analyzing financial statements help you accurately value a company and make a sound investment?


When investing your free money in a company, it is important to analyze its financial statements to assess its financial condition and management performance. By analyzing financial ratios, you can determine a company’s profitability, efficiency, and stability, and make an informed investment decision that takes into account external factors and management’s capabilities.   When...

How can electrochemical gas sensors detect gas leaks, measure concentration, and ensure safety?


Electrochemical gas sensors generate an electrical current through a chemical reaction with specific gases to detect gas leaks and measure their concentration. They consist of an inlet, detection, and backing section, and require regular maintenance and calibration to ensure accurate measurement and reliability. These sensors play an important role in safety and environmental protection in...

Can social retribution strategies using reputation solve the infamous free-riding problem of group work?


College students are immersed in various tasks right after the start of the semester, and they suffer from free-riding due to inactive participation, especially in group work. To prevent this, reputational retaliation strategies, role division, and peer review systems can be introduced to strengthen cooperation and responsibility.   Right after the start of the semester, college students are...

How did the Joseon dynasty compile a history of Goryeo to emphasize its legitimacy and superiority and establish a new dynastic identity?


The compilation of Goryeo histories in the early Joseon Dynasty was intended to reveal the end of Goryeo and emphasize Joseon’s legitimacy. In doing so, Taejong and Sejong sought to establish the identity of the Joseon Dynasty and emphasize the superiority of the new dynasty, which is important as a political and ideological endeavor.   The compilation of histories of Goryeo in the...

How did civil engineering evolve and what are the roles of its subdisciplines?


Civil engineering has developed along with the history of mankind, and various subdisciplines such as structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, and geospatial information engineering are harmoniously applied to create excellent civil structures. This has a significant impact on social efficiency and environmental sustainability.   Civil engineering has been going hand in hand with...

How can conventional monetary policy and macroprudential policy complement each other to achieve financial and economic stability at the same time?


While traditional monetary policy seeks to stabilize prices and the economy through policy rates, financial stability has also become an important requirement due to the increasing complexity and interdependence of the financial system since the global financial crisis. To this end, macroprudential policies have been introduced, which seek to promote financial system health and achieve economic...

Internalism vs. externalism: Is the justification for knowledge inherent in the cognizer’s beliefs or in objective evidence?


Internalism locates the justification of a belief in its relation to other beliefs of the cognizer, while externalism locates the justification in the cognitive process of reliability through objective evidence. This debate is at the heart of philosophical inquiry surrounding the definition of knowledge and the criteria for justification.   In the Western philosophical tradition, knowledge...

Can supercritical fluid extraction preserve the aroma and taste of sesame oil and revolutionize a variety of industries?


Supercritical fluid extraction technology is an innovative way to preserve the aroma and taste of sesame oil and minimize the loss of natural ingredients. It can be applied to a variety of industries, including food, medicine, and cosmetics, and is environmentally friendly and economical compared to traditional mechanical extraction methods.   Anyone who has ever been to a traditional market...

What is the nature of language in the philosophy of language of Karnap and Lorty, in the confrontation between scientific positivism and pluralistic views?


Karnak rejected as meaningless any statement that is not grammatically correct or empirically verifiable, a view that emphasized the clarity of scientific inquiry, while Rorty saw language as a product of historical contingency, with no fixed meaning or truth. These two philosophers contrast in their approach to the nature of language and truth, and offer different possibilities for philosophical...

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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!