
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

Can the theory of handicap truly be negated in terms of natural selection?


  In The Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins denies handicap theory through natural selection, but handicap theory can be seen as a valid way to favor stronger genes in the process of sexual selection, as males with handicaps can be selected for by the environment.   Introduction In The Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins argues for a theory of natural selection in which genes are the immutable...

Can commercialization of nuclear fusion energy in tokamaks made of superconductors solve the problem of environmental pollution?


Renewable energy research is underway to solve the problem of carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel power generation, one of which is nuclear fusion energy generated in tokamaks using superconductors. Superconductors have zero resistance at extremely low temperatures, allowing strong electricity to flow through them, which is essential for creating artificial suns. Future advances in...

How are fluorescent and synthetic dyes revolutionizing industries and impacting modern life?


Synthetic and fluorescent dyes play an important role in the textile industry, as well as in the medical, computer, and mechanical industries. Fluorescent dyes, in particular, are used in genetic research, dentistry, and cancer treatment due to their ability to emit bright light, and are environmentally friendly and recyclable, contributing to sustainability.   The development of chemistry...

Do you know how microwaves heat food quickly and efficiently?


Microwaves heat food quickly and efficiently using microwave technology, which was discovered by accident during World War II. Microwaves heat food by resonating with water molecules, causing them to spin and generate heat. This heats only the food, not the bowl or walls inside the microwave.   “30 seconds in the microwave”. This is a common advertising phrase for many instant...

How are stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) revolutionizing regenerative medicine and personalized medicine?


Stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) are playing an important role in regenerative medicine and the development of personalized therapies due to their ability to differentiate into a variety of cells. With ethical and supply issues addressed, iPS cell technology is revolutionizing tissue engineering, drug discovery, regenerative medicine, and more, opening up new...

Nuclear power plants are efficient and dangerous, what do we need to consider for safe energy use?


Nuclear power plants are highly energy efficient, but they are also highly risky due to corruption and safety issues. In addition to nuclear power, we need to explore and research various alternative energy sources for safe energy use.   This past summer was unusually hot. It was even hotter because there was nowhere to escape the heat. You couldn’t go into a bank, department store, or...

How do heredity and environment interact and influence human behavior and development?


Discusses the influence of heredity and environment on human behavior, emphasizing that nature and nurture are complementary, not opposing, forces. Explain that genes change through interaction with the environment, and that human behavior is the result of a combination of these two factors.   Philosophers and scientists have long wondered where human behavior comes from. The debate over...

Is artificial intelligence our friend or our foe?


  The 2016 Go match between Lee Sedol and AlphaGo sparked a surge of interest in artificial intelligence. As we explore the future of AI and how it will coexist with humans, we need to understand and prepare for the impact it will have on society.   On March 9, 2016, the Go match of the century between humans and computers began. The match was highly anticipated before it began, and...

Why should we live altruistically, and what are the positive impacts on individuals and groups?


  This article discusses the need to live altruistically, emphasizing that it benefits both individuals and groups, especially through the example of group activities. It explains that altruistic behavior has a positive impact on an individual’s reputation and social relationships, and that cooperative groups have better survival rates from an evolutionary perspective.   Is there...

AI’s autocomplete is convenient, but what’s behind the inconvenience?


Autocomplete features on smartphones are convenient but often frustrating. This is a problem that arises from the development of artificial intelligence and shows the limitations of pattern matching and pattern recognition. AI is used in various fields and is divided into weak and strong AI. The development of AI is accompanied by social and ethical issues, and we need to prepare for these...

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!