
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

How DNA fingerprinting technology is revolutionizing criminal investigations and personal identification


Since Watson and Crick’s discovery of the double helix structure of DNA in 1953, biotechnology has advanced by leaps and bounds. DNA fingerprinting technology has built on achievements such as restriction enzymes and genetic code decoding, and has become an important tool in criminal investigations and personal identification. RFLPs and STRs analyses have increased the accuracy and...

How are various community movements in modern society reinterpreting the characteristics of traditional village communities?


The concept of community, which originated in the traditional village communities of agricultural societies, has evolved through urbanization and industrialization into various forms of new community movements, which tend to seek social homogeneity and common purpose.   Agricultural societies were predicated on a socio-economic structure that was well-suited to naturally embody and reproduce...

How can the nature of consciousness be explained through theories of identificationism, functionalism, and extended cognition?


While identitarianism and functionalism attempt to explain consciousness as a material state or function of the brain, Rowlands’ extended cognition theory argues that consciousness and cognitive processes are shaped by interactions with the external environment.   In psychological philosophy, identitarianism views consciousness as identical to the material state of the brain. By...

How is big data changing our daily lives and how does it relate to privacy concerns?


  Big data is revolutionizing our everyday lives. For example, it enables personalized marketing and real-time inventory management. But it also raises serious privacy concerns, which require legislation and corporate accountability to address.   Vacation episodes and big data It’s been two weeks since my vacation started. Today, I woke up slowly and was surfing the web when my...

How can you prevent free riding in groups and make sure everyone participates fairly?


This article offers three ways to prevent free-riding in high school group projects and ensure that everyone is contributing equally, and explains the importance of doing the right thing.   In high school, it’s common for the best student in a group to do all of the work, while the rest of the group reads briefly before presenting. If you think about it from the perspective of a good...

How are chemical and biological engineering essential to modern life, and what are their future applications?


  This article introduces the various applications of chemical and biological engineering, explaining their impact on our daily lives and their potential for future development. It emphasizes the importance of chemical and biological engineering through a variety of examples, including televisions, batteries, and environmental pollution.   Most of the things we use in our lives are made...

Bayesianism and traditional epistemology: How do degrees of belief and conditioning principles apply to our changing perceptions?


Bayesianism, unlike traditional epistemology, views beliefs as degrees rather than binary, and explains that changes in beliefs should be rationally adjusted according to the conditioning principle.   Many traditional epistemologists believe that for any given proposition, we can only have one of three belief attitudes. For example, we can believe the proposition “It will snow...

Why does the reciprocity hypothesis not fully explain human altruism?


This article focuses on the iteration-reciprocity hypothesis to explain human altruism, but also points out its limitations, including the example of a young man who lost his life trying to save a stranger on the subway.   According to evolutionary theory, organisms act in their own self-interest. However, if you look around you, you’ll often see people exhibiting altruistic behavior...

What is the history of antibiotics, how they work, and the need to overcome resistance?


In China, moldy tofu was used to treat rashes and boils as far back as 2,500 years ago, and in Korea, miso paste was used to treat wounds, indicating the efficacy of antibiotic substances. In the West, the concept of “antibiotics” was known before Fleming, but research and application were lacking. Antibiotics kill bacteria by inhibiting the production of their cell walls, and...

Do you know how sleep plays an important role in restoring our minds and bodies and keeping us healthy?


Sleep is essential for the restoration and maintenance of the mind and body, and is characterized by alternating periods of non-REM and REM sleep, which are characterized by a variety of brainwave changes that lead to deep sleep, which is also important for mental activity and learning.   Sleep is a state of periodic wakefulness to restore the body and mind from accumulated fatigue...

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!