
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

Why do we use metaphors in our daily lives to communicate and understand complex concepts more efficiently?


This article explains how metaphors play an important role in human cognition and contribute to the efficient use of language and the enrichment of meaning.   Traditional rhetoric describes metonymy as a type of analogy. However, recent research suggests that the ability to use a variety of metaphors, such as metonymy, is one of the fundamental characteristics of human cognition. This...

Why are high-performance gas sensors important for preventing hazardous gas accidents in homes and industrial settings?


This article explains the need for high-performance gas sensors, how they work, performance evaluation factors, and the latest technological advances to prevent accidents caused by hazardous gases in homes and industrial settings.   We may be exposed to various harmful gases in our daily lives. While humans can recognize the presence of hazardous gases through their sense of smell or...

How do democracy and market economies work together to influence economic activity, resource allocation, and income distribution in modern societies?


Democracy and market economies influence resource allocation and income distribution through different decision-making processes, and understanding their harmonization and differences is important for the efficiency and equity of modern societies. This requires institutions and citizenship that take into account both democratic processes and market economy principles.   In the modern world...

What are the implications of the realist and antirealist debates for understanding the nature and existence of the world?


A worldview is a belief system that shapes our thinking and behavior. Realism argues for the independent existence of the world, while antirealism argues that it depends on sense experience. This debate deepens our perceptions and understanding.   A worldview is a system of beliefs about the existence, nature, and value of the world. As a framework for interpreting and evaluating the world...

Why is the Yangzi warmer than the Yinzi, and how does the sun’s energy travel across space to heat the Earth?


  The reason why the Yangzi is warmer than the Yinzi is because the sun’s energy travels across space in the form of electromagnetic waves without a medium to reach Earth and heat objects, which can be explained by understanding the nature of heat and light.   Why is the Yangzi warmer than the Yinzi? No matter how hot the sun is, how can it travel across space without a proper...

How can we reconcile the impact of shorter working hours on the quality of life and economic competitiveness of South Korean society?


This article examines the discussions between workers, employers, and the government surrounding the reduction of the legal working week in South Korea from 44 hours to 40 hours, analyzing the arguments and concerns of each side and exploring ways to reconcile the social and economic impacts.   How much leisure time we have to be human is one of the most important indicators of a...

How did genre painting come to be categorized in the 17th century West as non-historical painting and remain popular today?


Genre painting was born in the 17th century in the West as a way to distinguish paintings other than historical paintings, and it still has a strong appeal today because of its frank and humorous depiction of everyday life and customs.   Genre paintings depict anonymous people and small events that are common in everyday life. But how did genre painting come to be called genre painting? In...

Why do countries enforce social insurance, and how does it ensure economic equity?


This article explains that states enforce social insurance schemes to cover individuals when they are unable to insure themselves against risk, and that these schemes serve to ensure economic equity and promote social stability.   Everyone lives with the inevitable possibility of risk, so individuals try to insure themselves against it, and the market captures this and provides the right...

How does a robot that cleans skyscraper windows instead of humans mimic the characteristics of cockroaches and geckos?


In the episode of MBC’s popular entertainment program “Infinite Challenge,” Park Myung-soo takes a part-time job washing the windows of Building 63, and explains how biomimetic robots that mimic the characteristics of cockroaches and geckos could take over this task.   In the “Extreme Part-Time Job” episode of MBC’s popular entertainment program...

Are all deserts hot and dry like tropical deserts, or are some areas cold in winter like temperate deserts?


This article explains the formation and characteristics of different deserts, including the difference between tropical and temperate deserts, how desert ecosystems adapt, and how humans utilize them.   Are all deserts barren wastelands with hot, blowing sandstorms? While some deserts are tropical, there are also temperate deserts that have hot summers and cold winters, such as those found...

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!