
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

How can the Internet of Things (IoT) revolutionize our lives and industries?


The Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology that enables a wide variety of objects to be networked together to share information and have automated systems, which can greatly improve convenience and efficiency in homes and industries.   We all remember reading in our school textbooks as children that it will soon be possible to turn off the lights we leave on when we rush out the door, or...

Do you know the main branches of mechanics in mechanical engineering and their real-world applications?


This article explains the main branches of mechanics in mechanical engineering: thermodynamics, solid mechanics, dynamics, and fluid mechanics, and how these principles are applied through real-life examples such as automobiles.   “You sound like you know” and “you look like you know” are two phrases that we have all heard around us and experienced in our lives. I...

How does AKMU unleash his genius and what is the need for music education?


AKMU shocked the world with their homeschooled musical genius with their self-composed songs. Their success reminds us of the importance of music education and shows that the naturalness of creativity can be nurtured in a free environment.   AKMU is praised for the innocence of the teenage siblings, their emotional delivery, and the perfect chemistry between them. In addition, their original...

In the conflict between Min Hee-Jin and Hive, why is the public siding with Min Hee-Jin?


  The dispute between Min Hee-jin and Hive is being fiercely fought as a public opinion war, with Min Hee-jin using populist tactics to gain public sympathy. She has used emotional monodrama-style press conferences to rally public support, portraying herself as the weak/victim and Hive as the strong/perpetrator.   Populist rhetoric resonates with the social self of the crowd The dispute...

Korean Movies – What are the Melodrama Genre Characteristics of ‘Failan’?


  In this blog post, we’ll discuss the genre characteristics of the Korean film Failan.   My personal view on the genre classification of melo-romance films Every information search starts with the Internet, but the conclusion that the Internet, which I trusted with my information search, gave me was very curious indeed. When I searched for the movie “Failan” in the...

Can non-invasive exploration techniques efficiently find resources inside the Earth?


This article discusses non-invasive methods to identify resources and underground structures using gravity, magnetism, elastic waves, and electrical resistivity exploration without digging into the Earth’s interior.   When we want to see the inside of our bodies without digging, we use imaging techniques such as MRI and CT. We can observe and photograph the inside of the body by...

How can advances and innovations in the petrochemical industry change the future of synthetic products?


This article explains how synthetic products are produced and used in everyday life, discussing the processes of the petrochemical industry, its limitations, and sustainable alternatives.   Take a look inside the room you live in. What do you see? You probably see clothes lying around, pay-as-you-throw plastic bags for trash, empty milk bottles, and synthetic rubber mats. They all have one...

What is the difference between architectural engineering and architecture, and how do they meet the complex needs of modern society?


This article explains the importance of science and technology in the history of mankind, the role of architectural engineering, and analyzes the differences between architectural engineering and architecture in detail.   The three elements that humans need to survive are called the three pillars of consciousness. In the Paleolithic Neolithic period, which we consider the beginning of human...

Are secret peer review systems and the role of leader decisions and communication effective in preventing free riding?


A secret peer review system and communication through leaders can be effective ways to prevent free riding in group work, which promotes individual cooperation and morality.   Nowadays, colleges and universities as well as high schools often use group work to encourage students to cooperate and collaborate. Group work is an important opportunity to achieve academic goals while learning...

Is technology the decisive driver of social change, or do social needs drive technological advances?


This article explores the relationship between technological advancement and social change through the lens of technological determinism and social constructionism, using a variety of examples to argue that technology is a driving force for social change.   Technology has almost always accompanied humans since they emerged, forming groups and developing societies. Technology is the sum total...

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!