
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

Why is it that we take for granted the convenience that refrigerators provide us on a daily basis and have a hard time finding another place to cool down when they break down?


Refrigerators work on complex scientific principles and rely on devices like compressors, condensers, capillaries, and evaporators to maintain the temperature inside. We take them for granted, but when they break down, we realize that we have no alternative, and we realize how important they are.   It may seem like a simple matter of moving the food to another location where the temperature...

Why do you need to know about the Maillard reaction, the browning and deepening of flavors when cooking meat or bread?


With the growing popularity of cooking shows, the Maillard reaction, the process by which food ingredients turn golden and deepen in flavor due to heat, has gained a lot of attention. This reaction is a chemical change that occurs when proteins and sugars react with heat, giving food a richer flavor and color. Understanding the Maillard reaction can lead to tastier and more creative dishes, and...

How can we raise awareness and accelerate the development of a cure for the physical pain and social isolation suffered by people with Tourette’s?


This article tells the birthday story of Magali Gonzalez Sierra, a 15-year-old girl with a rare genetic disorder, to explain the causes, symptoms, and challenges faced by people with the disease, as well as current research trends, and to highlight the need to find a cure.   On January 16, 2016, a 15-year-old Colombian girl named Magali Gonzalez Sierra celebrated a very special birthday: her...

Electrical Engineering and Bio Convergence Drive Medical Innovation: Is Biomedical Engineering the Key to Future Medical Technology?


Today, electrical engineering is converging with various fields beyond just power and circuits, and biomedical engineering (BME), which is converging with bio, is gaining attention. BME is becoming a core discipline that drives innovation in medical technology, and many advances are expected in the future.   Today, we are living in an era of rapid technological change. There are many fields...

Was the American Revolutionary War the result of the failure of European powers’ colonial expansion and imperialist foreign policies in the 18th century?


The American Revolutionary War was the result of Britain’s excessive taxation and colonial expansion policies in the 18th century, as well as its struggle for supremacy with France, and the failure of British foreign policy that eventually led to American independence.   In the 18th century, European powers were gradually expanding their colonies and reaching the peak of imperialism...

Why do water droplets roll away from lotus petals and the secret to nanotechnology’s water-repellent effect?


The reason lotus petals don’t get wet is because the microscopic bumps on their surface allow water droplets to roll off them without touching them. Water-repellent treatments that mimic this principle have applications in clothes that don’t get wet in the rain, cars that don’t need to be washed, and a variety of nano-coated products.   We’ve all been caught in a...

Is the key to winning in League of Legends more about destroying the nexus through split strategies than combat?


In League of Legends, it’s not just about killing your opponent, it’s about destroying the nexus through a split strategy. This strategy is a way to destroy turrets, distract your opponent, and ultimately win.   There are many different types of games that are currently being played and loved by many people. One of the best is League of Legends, or LOL, which has stood the test...

How does decaffeinated coffee retain its flavor without caffeine, and what are the applications of supercritical fluid processes?


This article explains the scientific principles and supercritical fluid processes that allow decaffeinated coffee to retain its flavor without the stimulus of caffeine. It also explores the potential for this technology to be used in a variety of food processing and environmental applications beyond coffee.   On my way home from class, I pass many coffee shops, including Starbucks. In the...

How can money continue to play an important role in our lives despite its fragile rationale?


Money plays an important role in society and reduces transaction costs, but its value and rationale are very fragile. In the future, money will evolve into different forms as civilization and technology advance, and people will still chase after it. However, making money the purpose of life is likely to lead to unhappiness, and it is necessary to recognize values that are more important than...

How did the oil spill in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico lead to a catastrophe due to technical flaws in oil drilling and a lack of safety awareness?


The 2010 oil spill in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico was a combination of technical flaws in the oil drilling process and a lack of worker safety awareness that led to a massive environmental disaster. Understanding the dangers of oil drilling and the importance of preventing accidents is key.   On April 20, 2010, a major oil rig explosion occurred in the Gulf of Mexico in the United States. Over...

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!