
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

How do servers reliably deliver internet services 24/7?


Modern internet services rely on the non-stop operation of servers to provide reliable service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Hardware and software technologies, load balancing, and proprietary technologies from platforms like Facebook make this possible.   Many internet services are actively operated and developed these days. Social networking services such as Facebook and Twitter are...

How does the death of a loved one cause grief and reveal social issues?


This article explores how the death of a loved one can cause us great grief and how the tragedy of the death of young lives, in particular, can reveal social issues. Focusing on the Sewol ferry tragedy, it highlights why personal grief is intertwined with social responsibility.   The death of someone causes others to feel grief. The loss of a close relative or friend is particularly...

Why do people turn to simple, repetitive smartphone games to escape the stress of complex real life?


Many people are immersed in smartphone games these days because they provide a sense of accomplishment and security that is difficult to achieve in the complex world. Simple controls and repetitive patterns allow people to forget about stress and fatigue and experience small accomplishments in their daily lives.   Recently, when I take the bus or subway to go to school, I often see a lot of...

Is Bitcoin the next financial revolution that can replace traditional money?


  Bitcoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency that has gained worldwide attention for its unique structure, anonymity, and independence from traditional currencies. However, due to its volatility, inconvenience of transactions, and legal restrictions, it is unclear if it can fully fulfill its role as a currency.   What is Bitcoin? These days, the currency that gets the most attention in...

Can Altruistic Behavior in Nonhuman Animals Be Explained by Simple Genetic Laws?


This article compares the biological theories of Richard Dawkins and Denis Noble and explores whether altruistic behavior in animals can be explained by simple genetic laws or should be understood as the result of more complex interactions.   “In his book The Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins argues that altruistic behavior is a uniquely human trait that distinguishes us from non-human animals...

Can blockchain technology revolutionize the financial system and replace traditional centralized systems?


Blockchain is a technology that allows you to send money securely to anyone in the world without going through a bank. It has applications in many areas, not just finance, and has the potential to disrupt the traditional centralized system.   If we could send money directly to anyone in the world without going through a bank, we could save money on currency exchange and transfer fees; if we...

Biometrics: Is it a safe choice between security and privacy?


Biometrics utilize physical features such as fingerprints, irises, and faces for security systems, but there are many challenges to address, including information theft and privacy issues. With the introduction of multiple biometrics and the combination of artificial intelligence, efforts are underway to make the technology more reliable and secure.   In the movie Minority Report, set in a...

Can a corporate culture that enforces positive attitudes truly drive employee and organizational growth?


This article critically explores whether the positive attitudes that companies force on their employees actually work, and whether they are beneficial to employees and organizations given the side effects associated with emotional labor.   In our daily lives, we often encounter store clerks or phone agents who are always smiling and overly friendly to customers. Is it healthy for us to...

How can humans set ethical standards and make decisions as science and technology advance?


Advances in science and technology can pose risks without social and ethical consensus, and technologies such as human cloning can threaten human dignity and religious beliefs, requiring a multifaceted approach.   A technology may have scientific, social, or other benefits in and of itself, but it will not have an ethical consensus within the technology, which means that humans must develop...

Given the challenges faced by engineering majors and the need for institutional support, how can engineering talent achieve greater results?


This article addresses the real-life challenges that engineering majors face in their studies and careers, and discusses how institutional support, expanded on-campus experiences, and the accumulation of successful career paths can help foster the growth of engineering talent.   In Korea, there is a medical school fever every year during the entrance exam season. At the same time, I feel sad...

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!