
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

Was the Great Debate of 1920 the first step toward understanding the nature of the universe?


In the Great Debate of 1920, two astronomers argued about the size of the universe. The question was whether the universe is made up of a single galaxy, or whether there are many more. Eventually, modern science explored the possibility of a multiverse, suggesting that there may be more worlds beyond our own.   On April 26, 1920, about 300 scientists were invited to a National Academy of...

Is it really possible to read the human mind by analyzing the connectome, the structure of connections between 86 billion neurons that determines our thoughts and emotions?


The brain is made up of about 86 billion neurons, and the connectome, the structure of connections between these neurons, determines our thoughts and emotions, according to the theory of connectionism, which suggests that analyzing the connectome could potentially allow us to read the human mind.   Our bodies are made of cells. There are about 37.2 trillion cells in the body, and about 86...

How did scientists become convinced of the existence of the atom 150 years ago and how did TEM-EELS technology prove it?


Until 150 years ago, scientists doubted the existence of atoms, but modern electron microscopy techniques like TEM-EELS played a key role in confirming their existence. By analyzing the trajectories and energies of electrons to visualize their atomic-level structure, this technique helped establish atomism.   Today, we take it for granted that all matter is made up of atoms, but 150 years...

What is the impact of transnational financial capital and cultural subordination on Korean society in the ongoing globalization process?


Globalization is reshaping the relationship between countries and the social structure in the economic, political, and cultural spheres, and the growth of transnational financial capital and the spread of Western culture are having a significant impact on Korean society. The globalization of financial capital undermines economic sovereignty, while the influx of Western culture leads to the...

Humanity is being lost in the modern world, how can we regain true humanity?


Modern society is losing its humanity amidst material convenience and technological advancement. “Goethe’s ideas emphasize the dignity and nobility of human beings and suggest ways to change society and restore humanity.   There are many great thinkers in human history. They transcend time and society to explore the essence of humanity and provide wisdom for future generations to see...

In modern society, is the relationship between the individual and society a matter of existence and creation, or is it the product of dialectical interaction?


This article describes the transition from a time in history when the individual was the center of society to the modern world, emphasizing that the relationship between society and the individual has evolved into a dialectical one that develops through interaction.   The further back in history we go, the more important the individual seems to be to society. This is because social...

What are the effects and side effects of indirect advertising in the modern media landscape, and how should viewers respond?


In the modern media landscape, indirect advertising is highly visible to viewers and can be highly effective when it fits in with the context of a program. However, it can also degrade the quality of a program by overemphasizing commercial elements, which requires critical acceptance and media education.   Nowadays, viewers are often exposed to indirect advertisements without realizing it...

Is Chinese medicine part of science or should it remain an independent traditional discipline?


This article examines the question of whether Chinese medicine should be recognized as a science or remain a traditional discipline, focusing on Thomas Kuhn’s paradigmatic theory and exploring the possibilities and implications of its integration with modern science.   Anyone interested in Eastern medicine has probably heard or thought about the question of whether Chinese medicine is...

Does the belief that certain causes inevitably lead to certain effects hold true at the population level?


This article discusses the difference between individual and collective causation, comparing the traditional view that certain causes inevitably lead to certain effects, with the view that causality is only emergent at the collective level.   People believe that for every effect, there is always a corresponding cause. The inevitability of cause and effect can be generalized from individual...

How do computers and media impact our lives and what changes will advances in computer science bring?


This article discusses the importance of computers and media in the modern world, explaining how computer science is used in our daily lives and in the professional world, and what changes it can bring in the future.   Today’s media, such as television and the internet, have had a profound impact because we can connect to the world as soon as we buy a product and press a power button...

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!