
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

What is the rationale for voluntary enlistment as a solution to the coercive nature of conscription?


This article argues that the coercive nature of conscription leads to maladjustment and conflict in military life, and uses military experience to demonstrate that voluntary enlistment is a realistic alternative that can solve the problem while maintaining military strength.   Many years ago, a famous South Korean entertainer was banned from entering the country for evading military service...

Why do we still turn a blind eye to the social pain of illness and remain indifferent to the plight of patients?


The social impact of illness is still overlooked by many, and patients suffer further and are marginalized by social prejudice and ignorance. To address these issues, doctors and governments have a role to play, and education needs to be improved along with institutional changes.   The 21st century is the age of science. Science plays a key role in medicine, and as new treatments emerge...

Are Evolution and Progress the Same Thing? (Stephen Jay Gould and Richard Dawkins on the Differences in Evolutionary Perspectives)


The question of whether evolution is the same as progress is still debated. “Stephen Jay Gould argues that evolution is just a chance result of the surviving species, while Richard Dawkins believes that the superior genes survive, resulting in progress. The difference in their views makes it necessary to explore the relationship between evolution and progress in depth.   Are evolution and...

How did the belief that the Earth is round become a scientific fact?


This article explores how humanity has developed and debated the shape of the Earth, from ancient to modern times, from theories that it is round to claims that it is flat. It also covers the historical process of how scientific truths have been confirmed and accepted over time.   The story begins when I was about twelve years old. I was watching Star Wars with my father. When the movie came...

The Revolutionary Promise of Stem Cell Research and the Ethical Issues of Embryonic Stem Cells: How Can They Be Addressed?


Stem cell research holds great promise for medical advances, but embryonic stem cells are not immune to ethical controversy. Alternatives include adult stem cells and iPS cells, and their potential to replace embryonic stem cells is being debated.   Stem cells are cells that have the ability to differentiate into cells of any tissue and are highly regarded for their potential in medical...

How to minimize the risk of loss and manage systematic and unsystematic risk in stock investing?


Investing in stocks aims to grow wealth, but along with gains comes the risk of losses. Investors build portfolios to reduce this risk and need a strategy to manage the risk of individual companies (unsystematic risk) and the risk of the market as a whole (systematic risk).   The goal of most people investing in stocks is to grow their wealth, but it’s not always possible to make a...

Are mental states and physical mechanisms the same, and what limits do functionalism and the “Chinese Room” thought experiment pose for AI?


This article explores the relationship between mental states and physical mechanisms, discussing functionalism and its development in AI. It also critically examines the limits of strong AI and the nature of understanding through the Chinese Room thought experiment.   Identificationism, which emerged with the development of neuroscience, views mental states as identical to brain states...

Is war an inevitable companion of humanity or an unavoidable evil that hinders human progress?


War has been a part of human history for a long time, and some argue that it has positive aspects. However, it’s worth debating whether war has contributed to human progress, or whether it’s just competition. We should be wary that war does not always lead to progress, but rather to the destruction of humanity.   Humanity has lived with war. Humans have been fighting wars since...

How does e-nose technology mimic the human sense of smell to detect different odors and how will it revolutionize industry and healthcare?


An electronic nose is a technology that mimics the human sense of smell, analyzing and storing odors as electrical signals, which allows it to distinguish between different smells. This technology plays an important role in industries that utilize smell, such as perfume and coffee, as well as in the detection of harmful substances, medical diagnostics, and more.   Someone walks through the...

Is free will just an electrochemical process or a unique human ability that AI can’t replace?


This article challenges the claim that human free will is determined by electrochemical processes in the brain, emphasizing that free will is a uniquely human judgmental ability shaped by experience and learning. It also discusses why artificial intelligence cannot replace human free will.   Human free will has guided the world until now. Anyone can act with free will, and it is guaranteed...

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!