
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

Biomimetics, the evolutionary inspiration of nature to advance human technology, what can we learn and how can we use it?


Biomimetics, the practice of advancing technology by mimicking the unique structures and functions of organisms found in nature, has a long history. The field is becoming more prominent as technology advances, and its applications are expanding to include shark-scale swimwear, waterproof glass, and more.   Everything in nature has evolved into shapes that serve a specific purpose. The...

How will technological advances and social structural changes reshape our lives in the information society?


In the information society, technological advances and social structural changes are fundamentally reshaping our lifestyles and values, but there is still debate about whether the changes will be positive.   With the rapid progress of informationization, the importance of information in modern society is increasing by leaps and bounds. The information society is already an irreversible...

Can the fetal-maternal relationship during pregnancy be viewed as parasitic or should it be understood as a cooperative symbiosis?


There are arguments for viewing the fetal-maternal relationship during pregnancy as parasitic, but given the gene transfer and mutual benefit exchange, it is more appropriate to view it as symbiotic than parasitic.   Pregnancy and childbirth have long been considered sublime phenomena for humans, both in the East and the West. Pregnancy is the fertilization of a fertilized egg by a sperm and...

Did you know that everyday static electricity is more than just an inconvenience, it’s a potential hazard?


Static electricity is often thought of as just a tingling discomfort, but in industrial sites and certain environments, it’s a potential hazard that can lead to major accidents. It’s important to understand how static electricity works and the dangers it poses.   Everyone reading this article has experienced the tingling sensation of static electricity. It can come from holding a...

Why can identical twins be different in different environments even though they have the same genes?


Although identical twins are genetically identical, they can develop different personalities and health conditions when raised in different environments. This is because epigenetic changes affect gene expression, and understanding these changes can play an important role in treating diseases and improving the species.   Identical twins are genetically identical unless mutations have occurred...

Human nature in the state of nature and corruption in civilized society: Why are Rousseau’s ideas still relevant today?


Rousseau argues that humans were originally good and free, but became corrupted and unhappy through the development of society and civilization. His ideas offer the possibility of restoring nature and building a more egalitarian society through education, and they offer important lessons for the modern world.   “Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s ideas start with the following premise “In his...

How does a car move us freely through its many parts and complex principles?


Cars are made up of complex parts and technologies, but understanding them and knowing how they work can make them more approachable. Learn about the four-stroke cycle of an engine, how it drives, how it brakes, and how it transmits power and keeps us moving safely.   The biggest difference between plants and animals is their ability to move around on their own, but humans aren’t the...

Why is it inevitable that humans progress and achieve moral maturity in society through conflict and antisocial tendencies?


Human beings develop their abilities, achieve moral maturity, and become civilized beings through conflict and antisocial tendencies in society. This process is driven by the conflict between two inherent tendencies in human nature: socialization and individualization.   Nature uses the conflict between human beings to develop all of their qualities. Social order is achieved through this...

Why do the propellers of motorboats create spiral-shaped air bubbles in the ocean on a summer day, and what scientific principles are connected to this phenomenon?


While it’s still hot in September, we explain how a motorboat’s propeller creates spiraling air bubbles in the ocean and how this phenomenon is connected to the basic laws of fluid dynamics. This phenomenon, while simply beautiful, is actually related to cavitation, an important engineering problem, and research is being done to solve it.   September is already halfway over, but...

Can international intervention in the name of human rights ensure peace, or does it violate state sovereignty?


This article questions whether international intervention in the name of human rights can actually resolve conflicts and ensure peace, addressing the debate about the importance of state sovereignty and international order, and the success of intervention.   When individual states seek to assert their claims in the name of human rights, the issues at stake are never able to find a...

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!