
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

Can international intervention in the name of human rights ensure peace, or does it violate state sovereignty?


This article questions whether international intervention in the name of human rights can actually resolve conflicts and ensure peace, addressing the debate about the importance of state sovereignty and international order, and the success of intervention.   When individual states seek to assert their claims in the name of human rights, the issues at stake are never able to find a...

Can AI replace human creativity, or can we work together to build a better future?


  In 2016, the AlphaGo vs. Lee Sedol match shocked the world by demonstrating the potential of artificial intelligence. AlphaGo’s ability to learn and its versatility showed the promise of AI, but the public needs to think about the need for AI and its potential impact. AI can be the key to solving complex problems, but it requires public understanding and cooperation.   An AI...

Artificial intelligence, friend or foe, and how we should respond to future changes?


As artificial intelligence becomes an increasingly important topic in movies and real life, people are wondering whether it will be our friend or foe. As we look at both the positive and negative aspects of AI advancements, we need to think about how we can prepare for these changes.   AI is no stranger to movies: Her, The Terminator, I, Robot, and I, Robot are just a few of the movies that...

Our curiosity has driven us to develop technology, but is it possible to completely control nature?


Our curiosity has made us the most advanced species on the planet, but we need to reach a technological singularity in order to completely control nature, which is still impossible at our current level of technology.   With the powerful weapon of curiosity at our disposal, humans have constantly produced countless new technologies, and as a result, human technological progress has been the...

If selfish genetics is the most reasonable theory for studying evolution, but it’s still incomplete, can it be improved upon?


Selfish genetics is a relatively reasonable theory for studying evolution, but it is incomplete to explain all phenomena. It’s important to recognize the limitations of the theory and fill in the gaps to complete the theory of evolution.   Research into evolutionary theory is ongoing around the world, and there are still many gaps in the explanation. As a result, there are many...

Do genes govern the behavior of living things, or can humans reject their commands?


Discusses whether humans are merely survival machines that follow the commands of their genes, or whether they are capable of exercising agency and rejecting the commands of their genes. Various examples are used to argue against the genetic view, emphasizing human agency and behavior.   Many science students have read or heard of the world-famous book The Selfish Gene by Clinton Richard...

Gene editing advances by leaps and bounds, but is humanity ready to safely use this powerful tool?


From restriction enzymes to crisper scissors, gene editing technology has revolutionized many fields, from improving food productivity to curing genetic diseases, but ethical debates and side effects are still far from settled.   Since the discovery of the existence of genes, attempts to edit them have been ongoing. The first conceptualization of genes occurred in the late 19th and early...

Why can’t human body parts regenerate, and could animal experiments pave the way to repairing these losses in the future?


Humans cannot naturally regenerate body parts lost in accidents or disease, but Dr. Charles Vacanti and a team of chemical engineers at MIT are working on ways to repair these parts in animals. While this research opens up new possibilities for body regeneration and organ transplantation, it also raises ethical questions about animal testing.   In humans, parts like fingers or noses that are...

Why do earphones and headphones have a left-right divide, and how important is it to our hearing?


The left-right distinction in earphones and headphones isn’t just a design element, it’s an essential feature that helps to provide a more lifelike sound experience by matching the way our auditory system perceives the location and direction of sound.   All earphones and headphones are labeled left and right so that you can tell which ear to put in which ear. We often overlook...

Why do we overlook the importance of thermodynamics while emotionally rejecting attempts to recycle waste heat from crematoria?


This article explains the principles and applications of thermodynamics, analyzes the emotional resistance to such energy-saving attempts, and explores how thermodynamics can contribute to solving environmental problems through the example of recycling waste heat from crematoria in the UK and South Korea.   I remember reading an unusual article a long time ago. It was about a small town in...

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!