
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

Why do we overlook the importance of thermodynamics while emotionally rejecting attempts to recycle waste heat from crematoria?


This article explains the principles and applications of thermodynamics, analyzes the emotional resistance to such energy-saving attempts, and explores how thermodynamics can contribute to solving environmental problems through the example of recycling waste heat from crematoria in the UK and South Korea.   I remember reading an unusual article a long time ago. It was about a small town in...

Why do we still watch television, and will it have a place in the future?


Television has undergone several technological evolutions since it was first invented in 1926, and many devices have taken over its role in modern times. However, television still plays an important role in our homes and society, and is expected to do so in the future with technological advances.   Television was invented by a British inventor named John Logie Baird, who began working on it...

Why do we believe in HCA’s ability to help us eat and not gain weight, and how can we lose weight and be healthy at the same time?


This article explains how HCAs can help dieters stop the production of fat and suppress appetite. Understanding the effects of HCA and the process of dieting, it also emphasizes the importance of exercise. It shows how HCA is a naturally occurring ingredient that can be used to help you achieve a healthy diet, and provides tips to help you lose weight during the summer months.   On a lazy...

Can historical facts be explained by universal laws or can they only be understood in their own particularity?


This article addresses the debate among historians about whether historical facts can be explained by universal laws or whether each event is unique and must be understood individually.   Are historical facts governed by universal laws or are they particular? This question has long been a subject of ongoing interest and debate among historians. More than just a matter of academic curiosity...

The complexity of quantum mechanics and why the Copenhagen interpretation has stood the test of time!


Quantum mechanics is an important discipline that explains complex phenomena in the microscopic world. This article explores the complexity of quantum mechanics and explains why the Copenhagen Interpretation has been supported by many scientists for so long, comparing it to other interpretations.   Quantum mechanics is the study of microscopic particles, such as atoms and molecules. It is...

How AlphaGo and deep learning have pushed the boundaries of artificial intelligence to surpass human intelligence!


The 2016 match between AlphaGo and Lee Sedol demonstrated the potential for artificial intelligence to overwhelm humans. Machine learning, driven by deep learning, has defied human expectations and achieved remarkable results in complex games like Go, ushering in a new era of artificial intelligence.   In March 2016, a match between AlphaGo, an AI Go program, and Lee Sedol, a world-class...

Is a blend of micro- and macro-methodologies in social work the best way to protect human dignity and worth?


Social work practice aims to protect human dignity and worth and solve social problems by developing a balance of micro-methodologies that focus on the individual and macro-methodologies that seek social change.   Social welfare is premised on the idea that “everyone should be able to live as a human being without compromising their dignity and worth”. In modern society, this ideology is...

Appreciating ancient sculpture, how do religious reverence and aesthetic standards interact?


The appreciation of ancient sculpture is closely linked to religious veneration, and it’s important to understand that these sculptures are not just aesthetic objects, but a communion with the divine. While Eastern and Western art used different materials and methods of expression, they ultimately focused on exploring the nature of man and nature.   To properly appreciate ancient...

Biometric chip technology revolutionizes our lives but risks privacy breaches and a surveillance society


Advances in science and technology have made innovations like biometric chips possible, but behind the convenience they offer are serious risks of privacy breaches and a shift to a surveillance society. It’s important to find ways to protect personal privacy while overcoming technophobia.   Advances in science and technology are driven by people’s desire to make their lives more...

Was the fall of the ancient city of Ephesus an inevitable consequence of human use of nature that ignored ecosystem changes?


Ancient Ephesus was a thriving maritime city, but its rapid decline was caused by overuse of nature and the resulting ecosystem changes. This example suggests that harmony with nature is an important factor in determining the sustainability of a civilization.   There are examples of disastrous uses of nature from the earliest days of human history. Humans have used nature to advance...

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!