
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

Will human technology and intelligence allow us to extend our lifespan indefinitely, or will biological limitations and social factors prevent us from doing so?


  This article explores the potential for human technology and intelligence to extend human lifespan to infinity. By analyzing how life-extending technologies, social factors, and biological limitations affect human lifespan, we discuss whether it is possible for humans to live forever in the Homo deus era.   Humanity survives by having a more destructive and far-reaching impact on the...

Why was the physiological theory of Claudius Galenus, an authority on physiology from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, uncritically accepted by physicians for so long?


Claudius Galenus’s theory of the circulation of blood, the authority on physiology from the Middle Ages through the Renaissance, was long accepted uncritically by the medical community of the time, despite its flawed assumptions. After the 16th century, scholars emerged who challenged the established theory through empirical dissection and experimentation, eventually establishing the modern...

Why has concrete become an integral part of modern architecture with its versatility in strength and shape?


This article explains the history of concrete as an important building material from ancient times to modern times, and how its ability to transform into different strengths and shapes has made it an integral part of architecture. It highlights the role that prestressed concrete technology has played in enabling large, open spaces.   Concrete has a wide range of uses as a building material...

How do we understand that what we believe to be traditions may actually be inventions of a particular time?


This article discusses how many things that people consider traditions were actually invented for a specific time and purpose, and should be understood in the social context of the time, not mythologized.   As humans grow up, they become acculturated to their culture, so they assume that certain institutions and ideas have been around for a very long time. In this process, people take for...

Aren’t we rediscovering ourselves in our dreams every night, confronting our inner truths?


Every night we return to a primal state, both physically and mentally, and dreams become an important tool for exploring the unconscious by projecting our inner world and revealing feelings and desires that are difficult to detect.   Every night, we remove the clothes that wrap around our skin and hang them on the wall. This act is more than just a way to relieve the fatigue of the day...

Why do we think mass media influences others more than it does us?


People tend to perceive mass media as having a greater impact on others than on themselves. This phenomenon is known as the third-party effect, and it can lead people to exaggerate the perception of harmful content in media, especially when it comes to other people, leading them to support legal and institutional regulation.   During World War II, in a battle in the Pacific, the Japanese...

Can smartwatches transform our daily lives or will they be buried under fatigue?


  This article analyzes the public’s reaction to the rise of smartwatches and related technological advancements, pointing out that innovative technology can lead to fatigue and apathy if it doesn’t actually meet users’ needs.   The rise of smartwatches – between expectations and disappointments! The advent of smart watches, or rather, smart watches, signaled the...

Why does the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics make us rethink the nature of the act of ‘seeing’?


The uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics shows that an observer cannot accurately measure an object’s position and momentum at the same time, which forces us to reconsider the meaning and nature of what it means to “see” an object.   The uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics forces us to rethink what it means to “see” an object. This principle reveals a characterization of...

How does the structure and function of the glomerulus help the kidneys efficiently filter waste and toxins to support life?


The glomerulus plays an important role in filtering waste and toxins from the kidneys. Blood pressure, caused by the difference in diameter between the arterioles and arterioles, enables filtration, and the structure of the glomerular membrane is highly permeable, effectively filtering out small substances. This process is essential for maintaining homeostasis in the body.   Wastes and...

How does measuring fine dust with beta-ray absorption affect environmental management?


This article explains the principle and operation of a particulate matter meter using beta-ray absorption, how it can accurately measure the concentration of particulate matter in the air and why it is important. It also highlights the impact of measuring particulate matter on environmental management and public health.   Since fine dust, which is 10 micrometers in diameter or less, can...

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!