
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

What are the environmental impacts of South Korea’s soaring coffee consumption and the problem of coffee grounds disposal, and what are the solutions?


South Korea’s surge in coffee consumption has led to a growing problem of coffee grounds disposal. We discuss how to recycle coffee grounds, which can have a negative impact on the environment if improperly disposed of, and how the issue can be addressed by expanding collection facilities.   South Koreans love their coffee, with annual per capita consumption more than twice the global...

Why did the dollar remain a reserve currency after the collapse of the Bretton Woods system despite the Triffin dilemma?


As a reserve currency, the dollar faces a difficult balance between providing international liquidity and maintaining credibility. The dollar remained the reserve currency after the collapse of the Bretton Woods system because of its economies of scale and the power of the U.S. economy.   The importance of reserve currencies is directly related to the stability of the international economy...

Are today’s television debate programs truly public forums and do they fulfill the ideals of democracy?


The public forum is at the heart of democracy, and while television debate programs are expected to play this role, critics argue that their limited format and structure do not allow them to fully fulfill this function.   The term public forum, which is widely used today, refers to an open forum of discourse where individual opinions on public issues extend into the public sphere, where...

Where Does Moral Responsibility Go When Scientific Research Combines with Capitalism?


Raises concerns that when scientific research is combined with capitalism, it becomes influenced by power and resources, and that the moral component can be overlooked, emphasizing that an ethical perspective is essential to scientific research.   “Part 4 of Sapiens, “The Scientific Revolution,” by Yuval Noah Harari, discusses the scientific revolution in the modern world. What I found...

Why do biology and geology, unlike physics, have to address ‘historical questions’ to explain specific events and causal relationships?


Why do biology and geology have to deal with ‘historical questions’ to explain specific events and causal relationships, and why can’t they rely on universal laws, unlike physics?   Biology and other scientific disciplines have problems that are not found in physics. For lack of a better word to describe this problem, let’s call it the historical question. If we were...

South Korea’s pornography possession law to prevent child and adolescent sex crimes: an effective measure or a product of logical fallacies and contradictions?


South Korea’s pornography possession law, which aims to prevent child and adolescent sexual crimes, has been criticized for its ambiguity, logical contradictions, and lack of effectiveness.   Sexual assaults on children and adolescents, including child sexual assault cases, have become a growing social issue in South Korea. What these cases have in common is that the suspect habitually...

How should we feel about homosexuality in an increasingly open society?


Although the perception of homosexuality is changing with the openness of Korean society, many prejudices and misconceptions still exist. In order to naturally accept homosexuality and create a society without discrimination, we need to have a proper understanding and mutual respect for homosexuals.   As Korean society becomes more culturally diverse and people’s thinking becomes more...

Can the international community ignore human rights abuses in North Korea’s political prison camps in the name of cultural relativism?


This article discusses whether the international community is right to ignore the brutal human rights abuses in North Korea’s political prison camps in the name of cultural relativism, and explores the legitimacy of cultural imposition through universal sentiments and ethical standards.   From 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., they dig coal or chop wood. No food is provided, and all kinds of violence...

Is the THAAD deployment sparking international tensions and a new Cold War on the Korean Peninsula?


International tensions on the Korean Peninsula have been rising recently. North Korea’s nuclear test and South Korea’s controversial deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system are the main causes, and the combination of the strengthening of the U.S.-South Korean alliance, China’s backlash, and divisions in domestic public opinion have led to a new Cold...

Is the South Korean government’s cigarette tax hike a health measure or a short-term tax revenue grab?


  This article uses Jeremy Rifkin’s entropy theory to analyze the South Korean government’s cigarette tax hike policy, considers the trade-off between reducing smoking rates and raising tax revenue, and discusses how the policy may have a negative impact on social development by increasing the burden on the poor.   After reading Entropy by Jeremy Rifkin After reading Jeremy...

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!