
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

Why did the ice cream melt faster than expected in front of the fan on a summer day and what are the principles of heat behind it?


This article explores why ice cream melted faster than expected in front of a fan in the middle of summer, exploring the principles of heat transfer such as conduction, convection, and radiation to explain everyday scientific phenomena.   On a hot summer day, my sister took an ice cream cone from the convenience store in front of our house out of the freezer. It’s a blissful treat that...

What are the implications of FireAvent’s anarchistic epistemology for freedom and diversity in modern scientific inquiry?


This article emphasizes the importance of freedom and diversity of scientific inquiry based on FireAvent’s anarchistic epistemology and provides a logical rebuttal to two criticisms raised by Alan Charmus. He also argues for the need for the coexistence and development of various knowledge systems in modern society, where the boundaries between science and non-science are blurring.  ...

Are Earth empires an inevitability for the common good of humanity, or chaos from clashing hegemonies?


Is the formation of global empires an inevitable evolution for the common good of humanity, or an inevitable consequence of clashing hegemonisms that will lead to international chaos?   According to what many people believe today, humanity as a whole, not individuals with specific nationalities, is the rightful source of political power, and its principles should be to protect human rights...

In South Korean society, are individual dreams and happiness just a means to endless competition and social success?


This article contrasts the fairy tale with the competitive structure of Korean society and explores the goals society pushes on individuals and the meaning of true happiness. Starting from the fairy tale of a shard of glass that never loses its dream and is reborn into a new form, this article critically examines whether South Korea’s education and workplace culture takes into account an...

What caused the Sewol ferry disaster, what are the safety issues, and how can the response be improved in the future?


This course examines the causes and controversies surrounding the Sewol ferry disaster, explains the key concepts of ship stability – heave and resilience – and suggests technical and policy responses to ensure safe ship operations.   The Sewol ferry disaster happened a long time ago and left many Koreans grieving. It was not just a disaster, but a tragedy that left deep scars on...

Are we blindly trusting medical technology, and is the trust between patients and doctors leading to dangerous consequences?


This article warns that advances in medical technology and the trust patients place in them can sometimes turn into blind faith, leading to incorrect prescriptions and overlooking the limitations of treatments, and emphasizes the need for both patients and doctors to address these issues through objective judgment and education.   It’s a convenient and safe world these days. If...

Can computer technology advance infinitely fast in proportion to the number of transistors?


The speed of information processing in a computer is determined by the number of transistors, which has allowed computers to develop faster and faster. However, there may be limits to reducing the size of transistors, and technological advances are being made to overcome these limits.   Humans have developed many technologies to make our lives easier and better. These technologies have...

What makes a cocktail more than just a drink, but an experience?


This article explores the origins of cocktails, the different ways of mixing them, and why they are considered a work of art rather than just a drink. It also covers how to store cocktails, choose the right glassware, pair them with food, and use different garnishes to make them more enjoyable. It recommends cocktails as a way to make special moments more special with the people you’re...

Is human intelligence determined by genetics, or is it more influenced by environment and learning?


  This article discusses whether human intelligence is determined by genetics, influenced by environment and learning, or shaped by a combination of both. It concludes that both genes and environment play an important role in shaping intelligence, and that it is through their interaction that intelligence develops.   Introduction With the mapping of the human genome and advances in...

How does history help us make a living, and how does the state persuade us through it?


  This article raises the question of why we learn history and how it helps us, especially when it comes to our personal economic lives. It also explores why and what it means for nations to appeal emotionally to their citizens through history.   In his book, Yuval Harari, author of the international bestseller “Homo sapiens: A Short History of Man,” explains why we study and learn...

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!