
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

Mechanized farms, what are the problems for humans when animals are only seen as tools of production?


In the 21st century, mechanized farms are enriching our lives, but they are also harming humans through animal suffering, zoonotic diseases, and environmental pollution. We need to improve our farming systems to take animal welfare and environmental protection into account.   In the 21st century, we live in material affluence. We have access to all the food we want and rarely suffer from...

What is science, and should disprovability be the only criterion for distinguishing science from non-science?


This article discusses the issue of distinguishing science from non-science in order to understand the nature of science, and explores the definition and limits of science through the lens of logical realism and Karl Popper’s disproversialism. While Popper’s disproversialism is a valid criterion for distinguishing between science and non-science, it suggests that even unprovable...

Is pain a warning for survival or a driving force behind human endeavors to overcome it and drive growth?


This article explains the medical definition of pain and its evolutionary role, and provides historical examples of the anesthetic methods humans have developed to reduce pain. It also explores the different approaches to accepting and managing pain, and how human efforts to overcome pain can improve quality of life and lead to social and ethical challenges.   What is pain? The medical...

How did medieval engineering innovations make the scale and stained glass of Chartres Cathedral, the epitome of Gothic architecture, possible?


Chartres Cathedral, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in northwestern France, is considered the pinnacle of Gothic architecture and is the epitome of medieval engineering, using the physical properties of stone and innovative architectural techniques to achieve its massive scale and spectacular stained glass.   When you visit Chartres, a city in northwestern France, you’ll be greeted by a...

Would humanity truly be happier if we were able to live forever beyond the limits of death?


This article raises the question of whether humans would be happier if they had eternal life, and discusses how death may actually be what gives human life meaning and happiness.   Today, the average human life expectancy is around 80 years old, meaning that once we are born, we live for 80 years of our own free will. Some people will dream of becoming a world-class soccer player, while...

What are the negative effects of A.I. becoming a mainstay of economic activity, such as widening the gap between rich and poor and loss of human agency?


If A.I. becomes a mainstay of economic activities, it is likely to bring not only positive effects of technological advancement, but also negative effects such as a widening gap between the rich and poor, a surge in unemployment, and a loss of human agency, and careful social preparation is necessary.   Recently, AlphaGo, an artificial intelligence Go robot built by Google, made headlines...

Could the vein on the back of your hand become the new standard for biometrics?


Fingerprint and iris recognition, which have become ubiquitous as security technologies for mobile phones, each have their own shortcomings, and dorsal vein recognition technology is gaining attention. This technology is being practiced in various fields due to its resistance to external stimuli and low risk of personal information leakage, but improvements are needed, such as initial cost and...

Can capacitive fingerprint technology bring one-touch convenience to everyone?


One-touch technology offers efficiency and convenience, but the question is whether it can be utilized by people with compromised fingerprints. Capacitive fingerprinting technology solves this problem and is becoming increasingly popular because it can maintain high security and accuracy in a variety of situations.   The term “one-touch” refers to the simplification of something that would...

Why do hanoks, traditional Korean houses, appear straight from a distance, but their columns and roofs curve as you get closer?


Hanoks, traditional Korean houses, are beautifully straight and right-angled from a distance, but when you get up close, the columns appear to curve. This is intentionally achieved through optical compensation techniques such as baehleum columns and purim. Hanok is more than just architecture, it’s a work of art, a result of the pursuit of both visual beauty and structural stability.  ...

What is machine learning and how will big data and artificial intelligence impact the future of society?


  Machine learning is the art of analyzing and learning from big data to solve problems, and is an evolutionary form of artificial intelligence. It is revolutionizing a wide range of industries and is having a profound impact on society as a whole. Advances in machine learning will change the structure of existing jobs, create new types of work, and play a role in policy decisions.  ...

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!