
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

Why should we use education to discover our purpose in life, develop morals, and learn how to contribute to society?


This article discusses the purpose and importance of education and emphasizes that education should be connected to life purpose, not just knowledge transfer. Based on Herbart’s educational theory, we argue that moral formation and social contribution should be the end goal of education, and that the current education system needs to be improved.   We learn for different purposes, such...

Why is French cuisine recognized around the world and set the standard for haute cuisine?


French cuisine has developed through centuries of history and artistic tradition. It has a rich history of regional variations and courtly cooking, and with Escoffier’s innovative systematization in the 20th century, it became the foundation of the world’s haute cuisine. As a result, French cuisine is still regarded as one of the best in the world.   Cooking is a fundamental part...

Why did Albert Einstein not fully embrace the new paradigm of quantum mechanics and stick to his theories?


Albert Einstein did not fully accept the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics and stuck to his own theories. This was due to his strong belief in his theory, and it illustrates the boundaries of tenacity and obsession that scientists fight against new theories. While Einstein’s attitude can be seen as stubbornness, it can also be interpreted as an effort to maintain academic rigor...

Why does filmmaking require the collaboration of more than just the director and actors?


  There are four stages of filmmaking: planning, pre-production, production, and post-production, each of which requires the collaboration of a number of staff and technicians in addition to the director and actors. They play a crucial role in the completeness and quality of the movie, which is what makes it possible to present a meaningful work to the public.   Introduction Movies are...

What is the historical significance of alcohol, what are its negative health effects, and what does humanity gain and lose from it?


In honor of Wine Day on October 14, let’s take a look at the historical significance of alcohol and its impact on human life. Alcohol can provide joy and social bonding, but excessive drinking can harm your health, negatively affecting your liver, digestive system, bones, brain, and more. Moderation is necessary.   October 14 is called “Wine Day” because lovers share a bottle of wine...

Why has ceramics stood the test of time, and how has glazing affected it?


Ceramics have been used from prehistoric times to modern times, and glazing has greatly improved their durability, hygiene, electrical conductivity, and aesthetic value. Glazing is an important technique for smoothing the surface of ceramics, making them impermeable to water and electricity, and giving them a variety of colors to increase their practical and aesthetic value.   One of the...

Will overwhelming worry bring you down, or can being prepared make you better?


This article discusses how excessive worry can make you less confident and skeptical of your actions, but it can also have a positive side effect of making you more prepared for different variables. Experience and examples are used to show that while excessive worry can hinder fulfillment and success, appropriate worry can prevent problems and lead to better outcomes.   On an unseasonably...

Why Can’t I Stop Sacrificing Myself for Others and Being Conscious of What Others Think?


This article is about how I came to recognize my tendency to give too much to others and sacrifice myself as a downside. He realizes that he needs to live for himself in the future, based on his experience of being self-conscious about what others think of him, which has damaged his lifestyle and even his financial situation.   Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. You have a lot...

Is accepting Syrian refugees a national duty or an emotional decision that jeopardizes the safety and economic stability of our own citizens?


The refugee crisis caused by the Syrian civil war has sparked global debate. While accepting refugees is seen as a humanitarian responsibility, there are concerns about intercultural conflicts, religious issues, competition for resources, and the potential for ISIL to infiltrate undercover. Accepting refugees can negatively impact the safety and well-being of its own citizens, and a balance must...

What’s the truth about pore care and how effective are different pore reduction methods?


Although many different methods of pore care claim to be effective, the size of your pores is something that’s determined at birth, and it’s impossible to permanently reduce it. Pore care products and dermatological treatments may give you temporary results, but in the long run, they can be harmful to your skin.   There”s a skin problem that women all over the world suffer...

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!