
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

In the age of science and reason, how should we reevaluate religious beliefs and rethink the foundations of faith?


Using scientific thinking to criticize religious belief and argue for atheism, Richard Dawkins urges readers to explore the conflict between faith and reason and to rethink their own beliefs.   “When one person suffers from delusions, they are called insane. When a large number of people are delusional, it is called religion.” Richard Dawkins borrows from Robert Persig to describe religion...

Why are drones a revolutionary technology and how are they impacting our lives?


Drones are a revolutionary technology with a wide range of applications, including military, agriculture, filming, and delivery. However, they can also pose security concerns and safety incidents, making regulation and accountability important.   In recent years, we’ve been seeing more and more coverage of drones or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) on TV and in other media. When drones...

Is the origin of the chicken the result of evolution by natural selection or a byproduct of our big brains?


This article explores the origin and evolution of chickens, starting with the classic question: which came first, the chicken or the egg? It compares Darwin’s theory of natural selection with Chomsky’s brain byproduct theory, and discusses whether the origin of life is a product of evolution through various evidence of language, evolution, and adaptation.   “Which came first, the...

Is technology not value-neutral, and are its consequences solely the responsibility of those who create or use it?


Technology starts with a purpose, not just an invention, and as such cannot be value-neutral. The argument goes that the responsibility for the impact of technology lies with the people who create or use it, not the technology itself.   We live in a world of technology. Look around you. Right now, I have a TV, a laptop, a smartphone, an electronic watch, and a cell phone charger. None of...

Can a robot tax solve the problem of job loss, or will it be another obstacle to technological progress?


Based on the arguments of Brian Christian and Bill Gates, robot taxes have been proposed as a solution to the problem of job losses, but there is debate about their effectiveness, their potential to stifle technological progress, and the difficulty of implementing them in different countries.   Brian Christian argues that humans need to find the jobs that only humans can do and develop them...

Despite the accuracy of digital watches, why do we still prefer the laid-back charm and artistry of analog watches?


Despite the practicality and accuracy that digital watches offer, analog watches are still preferred by many people for their visual simplicity, the way they represent the passage of time through the movement of the hands, and the complex emotional connection they evoke.   Rolex, Armani, Omega, Cartier – these are some of the most recognizable wristwatch brands you’ve probably...

Why is paper still here to stay in the digital age, and when will it be completely replaced?


Despite the advent of the digital age, paper still plays an important role in our daily lives. Some of the reasons why paper is here to stay include its historical first-mover advantage, the convenience of writing and recording, the sensory experience, and its legal reliability. Whether paper can ever be completely replaced is still uncertain.   In 1945, V. Bush, writing in The Atlantic...

Does animal testing provide real benefits to humans, can it be ethically justified, and are we looking for better alternatives?


This article addresses the ethical issues and scientific validity of animal testing, emphasizing that the benefits to humans are not significant, calling for the need for and development of alternative testing methods, and presenting a deontological ethic in which all life is to be respected.   Animal testing is any experiment or scientific procedure performed on animals for scientific...

Can Global Gathering Korea move forward despite its global reputation without addressing audience comfort issues?


Global Gathering Korea has grown into one of the world’s leading electronic music festivals, but its lack of on-site guidance, inconvenient entry procedures, and lack of amenities leave a lot to be desired. Improvements are needed to enhance the quality of the festival.   Many years ago, I attended an electronic music festival called Global Gathering Korea (GGK). With a motto of “the...

Unreal Engine vs. Unity Engine: Which is the best choice for people getting started in game development?


In an era where games are dominating the Android app charts, beginners to game development often wonder whether Unreal Engine or Unity Engine is the right choice for them. In this article, we’ll compare their graphics, platforms, programming difficulty, cost, and more to help you make the right choice.   If you look at the Android app popularity charts, the top 10 are all games. For...

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!