
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

Unreal Engine vs. Unity Engine: Which is the best choice for people getting started in game development?


In an era where games are dominating the Android app charts, beginners to game development often wonder whether Unreal Engine or Unity Engine is the right choice for them. In this article, we’ll compare their graphics, platforms, programming difficulty, cost, and more to help you make the right choice.   If you look at the Android app popularity charts, the top 10 are all games. For...

Why are LEDs the future of lighting, replacing incandescent and fluorescent bulbs?


LEDs have a number of advantages over traditional incandescent and fluorescent bulbs, including smaller size, lower energy consumption, and longer lifespan, making them a highly anticipated future of lighting.   LEDs are currently garnering a lot of attention in the lighting industry. Compared to traditional incandescent and fluorescent bulbs, LEDs are much smaller in size and consume...

Why is monogamy natural and why is second marriage socially unacceptable?


This article explores the legitimacy of monogamy and the social acceptability of second marriages, analyzing the meaning of marriage and family from a capitalist and democratic utilitarian perspective.   Not long ago, South Korea was abuzz with news about the abolition of adultery. The Constitutional Court ruled that it was unconstitutional for the state to punish adultery by law, arguing...

Why do people engage in altruistic behavior, helping others even when they don’t benefit from it, and why do they abide by social norms even when they are unlikely to be repeated?


This article explains human altruistic behavior with the repetition-reciprocity hypothesis and explores the reasons and limitations of why people still follow social norms in situations where this hypothesis does not apply.   In the movie Titanic, the male protagonist, Jack Dawson, sacrifices himself to save the woman he loves when the ship he is on sinks. Most people who see this scene will...

Is global warming really a threatening environmental change caused by human activity, or is it just a natural cycle?


Global warming is the rapid increase in temperature since the late 19th century that most experts agree is caused by fossil fuel use. However, some argue that warming is a natural cycle and that its severity has been exaggerated, and the debate continues.   According to the dictionary definition, global warming is an increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s surface. While...

What are the effects of GMO foods on the human body and why are they necessary for distribution and consumption to solve food shortages?


In 2014, a national audit in South Korea raised concerns about the safety and distribution of GMO foods. However, the negative effects of GMO foods have not yet been scientifically proven, and the need for GMO foods to solve the food shortage is emphasized.   On October 7, 2014, a national audit by the Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety pointed out that it is difficult for consumers to...

What are the environmental impacts of petrochemicals and oil as a fuel, and can biomass energy be a carbon-neutral and sustainable alternative?


Modern society is deeply dependent on petrochemicals, especially oil as a fuel, which contributes to air pollution and resource depletion. As an alternative, biomass energy is gaining traction and is showing promise as a sustainable energy source for the future, thanks to its carbon neutrality and renewability.   Stop what you’re doing and take a look around. The clothes you’re...

The Power of the Sun, Can It Be Replicated on Earth? Can humanity secure sustainable energy from nuclear fusion?


The energy we use comes from the sun, which generates energy through nuclear fusion. Attempts to harness nuclear fusion on Earth are underway, and tokamak devices are exploring the possibility of providing unlimited energy in the future.   Where does the energy we use come from? Earth gets energy from sunlight to circulate water, store it as heat in the ground, and enable plants to...

How is virtual reality technology making its way into our daily lives and becoming the next platform alongside CAD?


  Virtual reality is rapidly advancing in a variety of fields, from movies and technology to everyday life, and it’s becoming the next platform to deliver more sophisticated and immersive experiences, especially when combined with CAD.   How far has virtual reality come? There was an unexpected guest in Hall 3 of the Mobile World Congress (MWC) exhibition center in Barcelona...

Is Chinese medicine based on the theory of the five elements and meridians valid by modern scientific standards, or is it a quackery?


This article discusses the lack of scientific disprovability of the theoretical foundations of Chinese medicine, the Yin Yang Five Elements and meridian theory, and whether Chinese medicine based on these theories meets the standards of modern science or is unscientific.   The dictionary definition of science is “systematic knowledge aimed at the discovery of universal truths or laws.” In a...

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!