
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

Is it reasonable to assume that humanity’s technological progress will continue, and is it possible that its side effects could halt future progress?


This article explores the possibility of humanity’s technological progress stopping, discussing how the supply and demand for technological advancements could collapse and how future societies could change as a result.   We currently live in a world of constant progress. While many may disagree with this proposition on ethical and moral grounds, there is no disputing the fact that...

Are religion and science opposed and incompatible, or can they work together toward a common goal?


Religion and science have historically had a close relationship, but advances in science have intensified the conflict between the two. This article examines whether religion and science are compatible, and whether they can work together toward a common goal, through the lens of the evolutionary theory versus creationism debate.   Religion and science have had a close relationship throughout...

If advances in biotechnology enable human evolution, should we allow it?


Advances in biotechnology have opened the door for humanity to evolve on its own, but how to address the discrimination and ethical issues this would bring, and how it would affect the future of humanity, needs to be discussed.   In the movie Jurassic Park, scientists clone a dinosaur. Long ago, when a mosquito that has sucked the blood of a dinosaur rests in a tree, the tree’s sap...

Why is it okay to briefly touch liquid nitrogen, and how does the Leidenfrost effect work?


In the movie Terminator 2, when the T-1000 is frozen in liquid nitrogen, we see the power of cryogenic substances. However, the reason why it’s okay to briefly come into contact with these substances is because of the Leidenfrost effect. When a liquid comes into contact with an object at a very high temperature, it instantly forms a vapor film that impedes heat transfer. This principle...

How do computers understand our commands, and how did programming languages evolve to become as easy as everyday language?


Programming languages have evolved as computers have understood and executed commands through the flow of electricity. From machine language and assembly language, modern languages have evolved into more accessible forms, making life easier for users and improving communication between computers.   A man quickly taps away at a keyboard, the monitor screen fills with unintelligible...

Can modern scientific and technological advances justify imperialism, or have they become a tool of unethical ideology?


Europe did not enjoy a technological and economic advantage over Asia until the end of the 18th century, but the development of modern science gave European countries an edge and became a means of justifying imperialism. However, despite its contribution to scientific and technological advancement, imperialism cannot be justified because it was carried out in an unethical and harmful way to the...

How important can hard work be within the limits of our innate talents and traits?


This article discusses the theory that a person’s talents and traits are determined at birth, and the importance of effort despite this. Epigenetics explains the interaction between heredity and environment, and a mathematical model of the relationship between talent and effort explores the role of talent and effort.   We’ve all read biographies of great people as children and...

Was the intelligent design of mankind the intention of God, or does it prove that humans are incapable of attaining divinity?


It has been argued that it may have been the designer’s intention for humanity to modify nature and develop, and that human development is designed because humans are incapable of reaching godlikeness.   Unlike other animals, humans have made tremendous progress, and the pace is only getting faster and faster. As a result, we have gone through several revolutions to become what we are...

Do statistical representatives in evolutionary studies accurately reflect the complexity and tendency of evolution?


This article explains why using statistical representatives such as the mean, median, and smallest values in evolutionary studies may not adequately reflect the complexity and tendency of evolution, and concludes that it is inappropriate to set a single representative value when studying evolutionary processes.   When scholars conduct research, the process of analyzing data is essential...

Diabetes is on the rise due to changing lifestyle and dietary habits, how can we prevent and manage it?


Diabetes is on the rise in modern society due to poor diet and lifestyle changes, and it’s difficult to detect early because there are few early symptoms. To prevent and manage diabetes, regular blood glucose testing is important, and eating right and exercising are essential to avoid complications.   As our lifestyle and dietary habits have changed in the modern era, diseases that...

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!