
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

When material progress outpaces spiritual progress, how can we address social disruption?


This article uses the examples of modern development and colonization in Europe and the Japanese occupation of Korea to analyze the social disruption that occurs when material progress outpaces spiritual progress, and emphasizes the importance of spiritual progress to address this imbalance now and in the future.   Europe developed modern science and capitalism in the early modern period...

When the power of the state violates the freedoms and rights of the people, is it justified to abrogate the social contract and make a new one?


  According to social contract theory, the people entrust their freedoms and rights to the state, but when the state violates them, the people have the right to abrogate the existing social contract and make a new one. Presidents should understand these principles of social contract and establish policies that guarantee the rights of the people.   The World as a Whole Understood by...

Is change a necessary condition for progress, or can it cause a loss of identity?


Analyzes why the West has developed more than the East since the Industrial Revolution and questions whether change is essential. It compares the advantages and disadvantages of change with historical examples, emphasizing that a harmonious acceptance of tradition and the new is key to social progress.   The Industrial Revolution, considered a revolution that changed the course of human...

No one is perfect, so how can I overcome my shortcomings and achieve real growth?


We all have shortcomings, and it’s important to try to overcome them. In particular, recognizing our shortcomings and working to fix them is how we can achieve true growth. I’m thinking about what I can do to change and grow, and I want to emulate my friend A, who overcame his shortcomings.   No one is perfect. Everyone has flaws, even if they seem perfect on the outside. Even...

When animal cloning research is conducted for human benefit, how can moral considerations and the rights of animals be balanced?


This article recognizes that animal cloning research can benefit humans, but emphasizes that moral consideration of animal rights and welfare is essential. It argues that when animal and human interests conflict, a balanced approach is required, and that animals should be recognized as objects of moral consideration.   Ian Wilmert’s creation of Dolly, a cloned sheep, sparked interest...

Can Dawkins’ Theory of Sexual Selection and Zahavi’s Handicap Principle Coexist with Natural Selection?


Richard Dawkins advanced the theory of sexual selection and natural selection in The Selfish Gene, but was skeptical of Zahavi’s handicap principle. However, the handicap principle plays an important role in the discussion of the compatibility of sexual selection and natural selection. This essay examines the broad applicability of natural selection through the interaction of the two...

Will technological advances drive human progress or lead to the extinction of Homo sapiens?


Yuval Harari’s Homo sapiens explains the extinction of the human race not as a catastrophe, but as the result of a quantum leap in technological progress. He warns that advances in biotechnology, cyborg engineering, and non-organic engineering will transform humans and eventually lead to the end of homo sapiens by causing us to evolve into something different from what we are today.  ...

Is the belief that electromagnetic radiation from TVs and computers is harmful to our bodies really based on science?


This article addresses the myths and truths about electromagnetic waves, explaining scientifically what they are, their properties, and how they affect the human body. We debunk the myth that electromagnetic waves are always harmful, and discuss how their effects can vary depending on the type of electromagnetic wave and its frequency.   We’ve all heard our mothers say, “The TV is...

Is the concept of infinite energy proposed by Yuval Harari in Sapiens realistic given current technological and economic limitations?


In Sapiens, Yuval Harari argues that energy is infinite, but given our current technological and economic limitations, we conclude that this is not realistic. We need to develop new technologies that are both energy-efficient and economically efficient, and this will take a long time.   According to Yuval Harari’s book Sapiens, Part 4, “The Scientific Revolution,” Chapter 17, “The...

Can suicide be morally justified and is it an individual’s right to life and free choice?


The high suicide rate in South Korea has been pointed out as a social problem, and it is necessary to discuss whether suicide can be morally justified according to an individual’s free will and right to life. This article examines the morality of suicide from the perspectives of utilitarianism and moral obligation, and argues that suicide can be recognized as an individual freedom if it is...

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!