
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

How do the language of reason and intellect and the language of emotion and sensation shape our character and personality?


The language of reason and intellect expresses logical thinking, and the language of emotion and sensation expresses feelings, and they complement each other, not oppose each other, to shape character and personality. In the modern world, it is important to balance these two linguistic abilities, which allows us to realize a richness of expression and understanding.   What do people express...

How does streaming technology work to play songs without interruption?


Streaming refers to the technology that allows large files to be played over the internet in a seamless, flowing manner, which requires buffers and buffering. Streaming is an efficient way to enjoy content without downloading it through real-time playback and is used in a variety of fields, especially music, movies, and online education.   When you use the internet to watch a movie or listen...

Does the freedom that modern humans have gained inevitably lead to a loss of self in the process of creating a new escape from bondage?


In the modern era, humans who are aware of their freedom tend to lose themselves through submission to authority or social assimilation to avoid anxiety and loneliness. However, true freedom and loneliness can be overcome through voluntary self-realization.   In the modern era, humans have become aware of concepts such as ‘individuality’ and ‘freedom’, freeing...

Could the Hyperloop be the next fifth-generation transportation from the movies to reality?


The hyperloop is a revolutionary mode of transportation that combines vacuum tubes and magnetic levitation technology to achieve ultra-high-speed travel. Just like in the movies, it promises to allow people to travel long distances in a short amount of time, but there are still many technical challenges to overcome before commercialization.   We are living in an era where the imaginary...

Does healthcare privatization really threaten people’s health or is it a necessary change to improve the quality of healthcare?


This article addresses the debate on whether healthcare privatization risks undermining the intrinsic value of healthcare or is it a necessary change to improve the efficiency and sustainability of the healthcare system.   On August 12, 2014, the government announced a plan to promote the service industry at a meeting on trade and investment promotion chaired by the president. The plan was...

Why did Homo sapiens intelligently design itself to extinction?


Homo sapiens has “intelligently designed” itself and advanced many technologies, including biotechnology, but this could threaten the balance of ecosystems, give rise to new species, and eventually lead to human extinction.   “Homo symbius,” meaning human in symbiosis, is a concept proposed by a South Korean professor as a new image of humanity for the 21st century. The idea is that we, Homo...

If genes determine our essence and destiny, what are the possibilities and ethical issues of personalized humans?


This article explores philosophical and scientific definitions of human beings and explains that genes may play a role in determining our abilities and destiny. It also discusses the social and ethical issues that arise when personalized humans become possible, emphasizing the relationship between genes and effort.   When it comes to defining what it means to be a person or human being, the...

How does the process of respiration balance oxygen and carbon dioxide to sustain animal life?


All animals breathe in oxygen and out carbon dioxide to sustain life. During this process, oxygen binds to hemoglobin and is delivered to each tissue, where cells use it to produce energy. Respiration plays an important role in maintaining life by regulating the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body.   What are the characteristics of life that are common to all animals? One of...

How is the speed of travel of a wave determined by its amplitude, horizontal distance, wavelength, and the motion of water particles in shallow water?


This article explains how wave motion is modified in shallow water by deriving the speed of travel of a wave through the variables amplitude, horizontal distance, and wavelength, and analyzing the acceleration and velocity patterns of water particles.   We’ll derive the speed of travel of a wave through three variables: amplitude, horizontal distance, and wavelength. Before we get...

How does the case of aphasia prove that human intelligence and language ability exist independently of each other?


The case of a boy with a low IQ who became proficient in multiple foreign languages and studies of people with aphasia confirm that human language ability exists independently of other cognitive abilities and is determined by specific areas of the brain. This shows that language is a distinct function of the brain.   A 13-year-old boy with an IQ of less than 70 cannot button his own clothes...

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!