
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

Are technological advances a tool to improve human life or a double-edged sword with risks we can’t afford?


Science and technology revolutionize our lives and bring us convenience, but they can also create unexpected side effects and ethical issues. How much risk do we take with technological advances, and who should we hold accountable?   Science and technology have given us driverless cars that don’t require us to drive, and the ability to dream of going to Mars. Humanity has entered a new...

How 3D printers are revolutionizing healthcare, aviation, and manufacturing, changing the industrial landscape of the future!


As Mina Khan’s heart surgery success story shows, 3D printers are revolutionizing healthcare, aviation, manufacturing, and more. With their ability to customize and rapidly create, they are at the center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and we need to prepare for the future by considering both the positive and negative impacts of technological advancements.   In 2015, Mina Khan was...

How has the existence of God and human beliefs changed with scientific inquiry and modern society?


Humans have believed in the existence of God for a long time, and this belief has been an important factor in shaping morals and society. However, with the advancement of science, the existence of God has been questioned, and this question is still debated in modern society.   Are you religious, and if so, do you believe in the existence of God? Humanity has a long history of religious...

Smartphones and social media have quantitatively expanded human connections, but can they create deep and fulfilling relationships?


The development of smartphones and social media has made it easier to communicate, but relationships are becoming more superficial rather than deeper in quality. We need to consider the impact of these technological advances on human relationships and make efforts to form deeper relationships.   According to a survey of smartphone users in Korea, more than 70% of people spend more than 10...

Personalized baby technology, an innovation that will improve human lives or a risk for social inequality and ethical controversy?


  Personalized baby technology could contribute to the prevention and treatment of genetic diseases, but it also has the potential to create ethical controversy and social inequality. A careful discussion is needed on how far this technology should be allowed.   Introduction Thanks to the ongoing advancements in life sciences and technology, we have better healthcare and better well...

Why is my Google Search Console index count decreasing on its own? Is deindexing a bad thing?


A decrease in the number of pages indexed in Google Search Console can be both positive and negative depending on the situation. It can be a problem if important pages are being excluded, but it can be a positive change if you’ve improved the quality of your site by removing unnecessary content.   Why is my Google Search Console index count decreasing on its own? If the number of pages...

How are the ethical issues of robot autonomy, emotion, and interaction with humans defined and regulated?


As robotics technology advances, ethical issues arising from robots’ autonomy, emotions, and relationships with humans are becoming increasingly important. It is essential to define and apply robotics ethics, which will clarify the moral and legal responsibilities of robots and prevent social conflicts and risks.   Today, robotics is utilized in various fields such as healthcare...

Could endowed university admissions be the answer to half-price college tuition and educational equality?


We are discussing whether the introduction of donation-based university admissions can be a solution to the problem of half-price tuition and a way to realize educational equality and ensure university autonomy.   The Korean university admissions system is anchored by an important educational policy called the “Three No’s Policy. Introduced in 1999, this policy forms the foundation of...

Egg donation, is it a fertility solution? What are the ethical issues and donor risks?


This article covers the procedure of egg donation, which has emerged as an alternative for infertile couples, the ethical issues it raises, and the physical risks it poses to the donor. It also discusses approaches to addressing these issues.   In the past, it was relatively easy to conceive and bear children naturally, but in modern times, an increasing number of infertile couples are...

How can nanotechnology revolutionize industry and the economy in the 21st century?


Recognized as a key science and technology of the 21st century, nanotechnology is an ultra-microscopic technology that manipulates matter at the atomic and molecular levels, and is expected to converge with existing technologies to revolutionize industry and the economy, providing environmentally friendly and economical solutions. In the future, nanotechnology is expected to play an important...

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!