
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

How does gene therapy replace faulty genes, and can it cure genetic diseases once and for all?


Geneticists are working toward “gene therapy,” the replacement of defective genes with normal genes, to harness the selective properties of DNA and the tools available to essentially cure genetic diseases.   The ultimate goal of geneticists is to replace defective genes with normal ones. This treatment of genetic diseases at the most basic, intracellular level is known as...

How have Korean immigrants achieved economic independence through self-employment in the U.S. since the late 1960s?


Korean immigrants to the United States since the late 1960s have achieved economic independence through self-employment despite language barriers and cultural differences. They have leveraged their ethnic networks and education to run successful businesses and expand their influence in American society.   Korean immigration to the United States began in earnest in the late 1960s. Today...

Are 3D printers a revolutionary tool or a potential risk for piracy, gun making, and more?


  3D printers have the potential to revolutionize our lives, expanding from printing simple objects to a wide range of materials and industries. But they also pose a number of challenges, including piracy, copyright infringement, and firearms production, that need to be addressed.   What is a 3D printer? A 3D printer is exactly what it sounds like: a machine that creates three...

How can the wisdom of harnessing nature from the past contribute to solving today’s environmental challenges?


This article discusses the “blue economy” as a possible solution to climate change-induced extreme weather events, and highlights how the wisdom of ancient civilizations in harnessing nature can play an important role in solving today’s environmental challenges.   Extreme weather events such as prolonged tropical nights in the summer and cold waves and heavy snowfall in the...

Is technological progress driven by social needs or does technology itself change society?


This course explores the question: Is technological progress driven by societal needs or does technology itself drive social change, analyzing the social role of technology and the interactions that drive its development.   From the invention of the hatchet to the automobile and the computer, humanity has been constantly advancing technology, which has greatly improved our quality of life...

Why do viruses parasitize their hosts, and how has it impacted humanity and modern medicine?


Viruses are unable to survive independently, so they multiply by parasitizing on their hosts. This characteristic makes them disease-causing, but modern medicine has harnessed them as an important tool to produce cures and vaccines by using genetic recombination techniques.   Viruses are usually about one-hundredth the size of bacteria and are composed entirely of proteins and nucleic acids...

What is more important in judging good and evil, intention or action, and who is morally responsible?


Abelard explores the relationship between intention and action in human judgment of good and evil, arguing that intention is central to moral judgment. However, social punishment for actions is also necessary, reflecting our imperfect judgment and social responsibility.   There is a significant gap between experiencing good and bad deeds as an outsider and feeling them as an agent. From the...

How does plant defenses affect ecosystems and competition?


In order to survive and reproduce, plants compete by releasing chemicals through allelopathy to inhibit the growth of neighboring plants. This process goes beyond simple competition for survival and has a profound effect on the balance and structure of the entire ecosystem.   Animals are constantly competing for reproduction and survival. Grasses and trees are no different. To ensure their...

Why does Aristotle emphasize friendship as an essential element of human happiness?


Aristotle emphasizes that humans, as social animals, can reach true happiness through friendship. He argues that friendship is mutual and is only fully realized in relationships that share moral values.   In his book The Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle emphasizes friendship (philia) as an essential element of human life. He defines friendship as a deep relationship that goes beyond mere...

How can human self-interest and moral ideals be reconciled in ancient Confucian thought?


Ancient Confucianism was concerned with how to reconcile the pursuit of human interests and moral ideals when they clash, and in the process, they proposed ways to direct interests and harmonize with the community.   The ancient Confucians, represented by Confucius, Mencius, and Sun Tzu, strived to build a moral kingdom while contemplating the improvement of society and the salvation of...

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!