
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

Are electrical engineering and electronics really the same discipline, or did they evolve from different fields?


Electrical engineering and electronics may seem similar in name, but there is a clear distinction between them based on the difference in voltage and their applications. The two disciplines have developed in close relationship with each other, and with the advancement of modern technology, the lines are becoming increasingly blurred.   After entering university, one of the most memorable...

How will biobotics, robotics that mimics nature’s evolution, change our future and society?


Biobotics is a field that is revolutionizing robotics by mimicking the principles of nature, greatly improving the efficiency of robots by replicating the complex structures of living things. In the future, this technology will profoundly change the relationship between humans and robots, and the social and ethical issues that will arise along the way need to be discussed.   Modern science...

Sharing and protecting knowledge: how do we balance the interests of society as a whole with the interests of individuals?


This article addresses the societal tension between sharing and protecting knowledge, and discusses how to protect the interests of individuals or groups while allowing knowledge to benefit society as a whole. It uses a variety of examples to illustrate the impact of knowledge sharing on social development and emphasizes the need to find trade-offs that balance the interests of society and...

As humans seek eternal life, can it really guarantee true happiness and meaning in life?


This article explores philosophical perspectives on whether humans can find true happiness through eternal life, and addresses the argument that eternal life may actually hinder the meaning and happiness of life.   Eternal life has been one of mankind’s long-standing wishes since time immemorial. When we first encounter the concept of death as children and think about it vaguely, we...

The dilemma of eternal life, is it a blessing to live forever, or can we find true happiness in the endlessness of time?


This article addresses the human desire for eternal life and questions whether immortality will bring happiness. It explores the nature of true happiness through the pain and meaninglessness that eternal life brings.   In the drama “Do-gaebi,” which aired on Korean television from December 2016 to January 21, 2017, the main character, Do-gaebi, kills many people as a general in...

If advances in science and technology bring us eternal life, will we have true happiness and a utopia?


This article discusses the possibility of humanity achieving eternal life, linking it to the development of science and technology, and explores the external and internal happiness it would bring. It raises the question of whether eternal life can realize utopia, an ideal world that can provide humanity with both material abundance and spiritual maturity.   Eternal life. A word that means...

If advances in science and technology make eternal life possible, can we really find true happiness in an endless life?


Advances in science and medicine may make eternal life possible, but it raises the question of whether it will really bring us greater happiness. We need to think deeply about how eternal life will interact with our current happiness and how it will affect our quality of life.   Life expectancy is increasing due to advances in science and medicine. These changes contribute to an improved...

Can eternal life bring true happiness or is it just an endless extension of life?


This book explores the relationship between death, eternal life, and happiness, examining from various perspectives whether eternal life can bring true happiness to humanity, or whether it can lead to unhappiness. It also examines different theories about the nature of happiness and its determinants, and provides an in-depth analysis of the impact of eternal life on happiness.   The question...

How have smartphones changed our lives, and what possibilities do technological advances hold for the future?


More than just a communication tool, smartphones have become a necessity that is deeply intertwined with our daily lives. We explore how they will change our lives and society as a whole as technology evolves.   Most people on the street these days are carrying a smartphone. As of 2024, it is estimated that the number of smartphone subscribers in Korea will exceed 50 million, meaning that...

How is the proliferation of smartphones changing our daily lives, and how should we respond to the positive and negative impacts?


The changes brought about by the proliferation of smartphones in our society are far-reaching, and along with the positive aspects of economic growth and convenience, they have also brought with them negative issues such as addiction and personal information leakage. As smartphones continue to evolve, social efforts and measures to address these issues are becoming more important.  ...

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!