
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

Thorns and altruistic genes: how a father’s devotion and a bee’s sacrifice can be explained scientifically!


The story of “The Thorn in the Side of the Road,” which we all remember as children, depicts a father sacrificing his own eye for his sick son. Altruistic behavior like this can be explained through the theory of kin selection. This is because behaviors that help the survival of individuals who share genes with you will eventually have an advantage in spreading your own genes...

Why should we live right, and how does it benefit us and society?


We are taught to live right from elementary school through moral and ethical education, but why should we live right? We use the iteration-reciprocity hypothesis to prevent free-riding in group work and discuss the long-term benefits of altruistic behavior for individuals and society as a whole.   From elementary school through high school, we are taught to live right, or to think about...

Will Suga’s e-scooter DUI affect BTS’s full comeback?


  BTS member Suga was caught riding an e-scooter while intoxicated and received a license revocation and a 100,000 won fine. The agency immediately issued an apology, and he will receive additional punishment as a social service worker. It will be interesting to see how this incident will affect BTS’s comeback next year.   This is unfortunate, shocking, and upsetting news...

How can a single cell differentiate into more than 70 trillion cells to build a complex body?


Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that have the ability to start from a single cell and differentiate into a variety of cells, and are being recognized as the key to curing incurable diseases and extending human life. There are various types of stem cells, including adult stem cells, embryonic stem cells, and reverse differentiation stem cells, each of which is under active research and...

Why do we feel that Park Chan-wook’s ‘Sympathy For Lady Vengeance’ is a paradoxical thriller?


Park Chan-wook’s “Sympathy For Lady Vengeance” breaks the mold of the traditional thriller with its paradoxical setting, beautiful mise-en-scene, and unrealistic elements of a clean-cut female protagonist taking revenge. The complex emotions and themes of maternal and paternal love and revenge make this movie stand out from other thrillers and evoke a unique emotional response...

What are the underlying problems with South Korea’s excessive private education and weakening public education, and how can they be solved?


The problem of private education in South Korea has led to educational inequality due to excessive competition and reliance on private education. It is important to restore the role of public education and increase the credibility of public education by strengthening teacher professionalism, developing quality educational materials, and engaging the community.   South Korea is a global...

What are the safety and ethical dilemmas of self-driving cars and how can we address liability in the event of an accident?


  Self-driving cars are on the verge of commercialization, but many people still don’t understand the safety, ethical dilemmas, and liability issues in the event of an accident. Improving road infrastructure, setting ethical standards, and clarifying legal liability will be necessary, and will require collaboration between government, business, and academia.   Introduction If you...

What lessons did I learn from my friend’s immersion and passion and how did it change my life?


In high school, watching a friend immerse himself in various things and pursue his passions made me reflect on myself. This experience had a huge impact on my life’s direction, and since then, I strive to live a life of constant growth and self-improvement through immersion.   In life, the values that you value, or the way you think, ‘I want to live my life,’ are often...

What is the role of electrical engineers in the invention of electrical devices and how have they evolved?


Electrical devices are essential to modern society, and their invention and development requires the collaboration of physicists and engineers. The Department of Electrical Engineering trains electrical engineers to develop these devices, and students learn basic science and circuit theory to gain the knowledge needed to develop practical electrical devices.   The society we live in today is...

What are the causes of the oil price decline, its economic impact, and what can we do about it?


As the price of oil has fallen from $100 per barrel a year ago to $40 today, oversupply and strategic decisions by OPEC are the main culprits. While low oil prices are hurting the oil refining industry, they are having a positive impact on the shipping and airline industries. Korea should closely analyze the economic changes caused by low oil prices and prepare strategies to respond to them...

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!