
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

What are the causes of the oil price decline, its economic impact, and what can we do about it?


As the price of oil has fallen from $100 per barrel a year ago to $40 today, oversupply and strategic decisions by OPEC are the main culprits. While low oil prices are hurting the oil refining industry, they are having a positive impact on the shipping and airline industries. Korea should closely analyze the economic changes caused by low oil prices and prepare strategies to respond to them...

From the past to the future, what materials will we use to change the world?


Materials science has played an important role from the beginning of human history to the present, enabling the transition to the Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages. Today, materials science is the foundation of many engineering disciplines, and in the future, it will drive innovations in nanotechnology, green materials, healthcare, telecommunications, and more. These advances will enrich human life...

How does Darwin’s theory of evolution overturn ancient creationism and the conventional wisdom of genetic selection in modern science?


Darwin’s theory of evolution is a revolutionary theory that shakes up both ancient creationism and the conventional wisdom of genetic selection within modern science. This debate is an important process that expands our understanding of life and fuels the evolution of science.   “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness!” (Genesis 1:26) is a verse from the Bible...

What is the importance of electrical engineering to our daily lives in a world without electricity?


If the electricity were to suddenly go out one day, our daily lives would be disrupted. Electricity is the essential energy source for all electronic devices and appliances, including lights, refrigerators, computers, and more. Electrical engineering is the field that creates and transmits this electricity and develops electronic devices that utilize it, making our lives easier and more efficient...

How well do selfish genetics and game theory fit together to explain reciprocal altruism in animals?


  Richard Dawkins’ theory of selfish genetics is effective in explaining reciprocal altruism in animals, but game theory is inadequate because it does not take into account the irrational behavior of animals. This essay analyzes the differences between these two theories and reveals the limitations of game theory in explaining animal behavior.   Introduction In his book The...

How have smartphones infiltrated modern life, driving both technological evolution and social change?


From Motorola’s invention of the cell phone to the innovations of Apple and Google, smartphones have deeply penetrated modern life and society. Advancements in operating systems and hardware, as well as the emergence of chat apps and social media, have changed the way we communicate and greatly improved our lives through mobile work and information sharing.   Smartphones are one of the...

How will genetically engineered technologies change the future of humanity?


Humanity’s advances in biotechnology have made genetic modification possible, allowing for the prevention and treatment of genetic diseases, as well as the enhancement of physical and mental abilities. However, these technologies can raise ethical and social issues, which require the establishment of fair social systems and safety nets to address.   Since the distant past, humans have...

Why do we do favors, and how can recurrent reciprocity explain human and animal behavior?


This article discusses the reciprocity hypothesis, which explains altruistic behavior in humans and animals. The reciprocity hypothesis is the theory that altruistic behavior emerges when favors are repeatedly exchanged, and it applies not only to humans but also to animals like bats. However, this theory has limitations, as it doesn’t fully explain unconditional altruistic behavior.  ...

How can altruistic behavior in bees be explained by the kin selection hypothesis?


Bees dedicate their lives to helping the queen lay eggs, which can be explained by the kin selection hypothesis. The kin selection hypothesis states that an individual’s reproductive success should not only be considered, but also the reproductive success of its relatives with whom it shares genes. However, this hypothesis does not explain altruistic behavior in all animals, and there are...

The P-NP Problem: Does this challenge for mathematicians around the world hold the key to solving real-world problems?


  The P-NP problem is one of the most challenging problems in mathematics, asking whether there is a fast way to find the correct answer to a given problem. If solved, it could revolutionize the way we solve optimization problems in industries as diverse as aircraft scheduling and semiconductor design. A thief enters a jewelry store, looks around, and for a brief moment ponders. “I...

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!