
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

The transition to the Third Industrial Revolution: Can we build a new system to address energy depletion and the economic crisis?


This article explains the need for the Third Industrial Revolution and its key elements to solve the economic crisis and environmental problems caused by the use of fossil fuels. It suggests ways to build an alternative energy system based on the natural limitations and technological advantages Korea faces and cooperate with other countries to achieve sustainable development.   It is often...

Can kin selection sufficiently explain altruistic behavior of individuals based on the probability of gene sharing?


  Richard Dawkins’ theory of kin selection explains the altruistic behavior of individuals based on the selfishness of their genes, but it has limitations in explaining altruistic behavior that is not related to kinship, such as adoption, imprinting, and moral behavior. Environmental determinism and group selection theory can be proposed as complements.   Introduction Richard...

How BioMEMS technology is blurring the lines between man and machine and changing the world!


BioMEMS technology is the miniaturization of mechanical devices and their combination with biotechnology, enabling a variety of innovative applications such as enabling paraplegics to control computers and restoring sight to the blind. My goal is to use this technological advancement to dramatically improve the lives of people with disabilities, fulfill social responsibility, and create a new...

Is it a parental right to genetically design their children, or is it arrogance that violates the laws of nature?


In The Case against Perfection, Professor Michael Sandel discusses the issue of genetically designing children and approaches it from two perspectives: “manipulating the framework of the world” and “seeing the world as it is.” He warns that designing children can lead to parental arrogance and cause social and ethical problems. On the other hand, some argue that genetic...

Will the positive development and commercialization of genetic engineering have ethical, social, and ecological consequences for humanity?


Genetic engineering is the science of altering traits by manipulating the genetic makeup or genotype. Positive and negative genetic engineering exists, and the commercialization of positive genetic engineering can have side effects similar to those of eugenics in the past. Legal and ethical regulations are needed to prevent this.   Genetic engineering, as we often hear it, is a difficult...

How is warming due to climate change affecting our lives and what are the solutions?


Climate warming refers to the global increase in the temperature of the oceans and near-surface air, which is causing ecosystem destruction, increased natural disasters, and water shortages. To prevent global warming, we need both technological solutions, such as developing renewable energy and using electric vehicles, and national solutions, such as signing international agreements.   News...

Will advances in artificial intelligence threaten our creative role or elevate us to godlike status?


Advances in artificial intelligence have the potential to blur the lines between man and machine and become an absolute force for solving humanity’s problems, but they also present risks. Strong AI has the potential to help humanity, but it can also pose unexpected threats to humanity along the way.   Why are we developing AI? “Deus ex machina” is a staging technique used...

How can the diverse skills and knowledge learned in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering contribute to the development of modern industry and personal growth?


The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering teaches students skills in a variety of fields, including mechanical design, aeronautics, and robotics, and allows them to gain practical experience through experiments and design projects to develop their creativity and problem-solving skills. This allows students to pursue a variety of career paths after graduation, including working in...

The Age of Artificial Intelligence is Here, What Do We Know and How Can We Prepare? – From the technical foundations of deep learning and machine learning to their societal impact


  Since March 2016, interest in AlphaGo and artificial intelligence has skyrocketed, and advances in artificial intelligence technology, including the concepts of deep learning and machine learning, have been in the spotlight. Deep learning is based on artificial neural networks to process data, and Deep Mind’s Deep Q Network is a prime example of its use. With the development of AI...

Why do humans engage in altruistic behavior that is difficult to explain evolutionarily, and how does communication facilitate it?


Altruistic behaviors like giving up your seat on the subway are examples that go beyond the selfish instincts of evolutionary theory and can be explained by several hypotheses that suggest communication plays an important role in facilitating these behaviors.   When riding the subway, it’s not uncommon to see students giving up their seats to elderly people. On the other hand, there...

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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!