
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

The Age of Artificial Intelligence is Here, What Do We Know and How Can We Prepare? – From the technical foundations of deep learning and machine learning to their societal impact


  Since March 2016, interest in AlphaGo and artificial intelligence has skyrocketed, and advances in artificial intelligence technology, including the concepts of deep learning and machine learning, have been in the spotlight. Deep learning is based on artificial neural networks to process data, and Deep Mind’s Deep Q Network is a prime example of its use. With the development of AI...

Why do humans engage in altruistic behavior that is difficult to explain evolutionarily, and how does communication facilitate it?


Altruistic behaviors like giving up your seat on the subway are examples that go beyond the selfish instincts of evolutionary theory and can be explained by several hypotheses that suggest communication plays an important role in facilitating these behaviors.   When riding the subway, it’s not uncommon to see students giving up their seats to elderly people. On the other hand, there...

Why do humans continue to engage in altruistic behavior despite economic losses?


From the simple act of sharing an ice cream cone with a friend to giving and volunteering without expecting anything in return, human altruistic behavior continues even when it’s economically damaging. Richard Dawkins’ “selfish gene” and the kin selection hypothesis explain how these behaviors have helped us survive and thrive from an evolutionary biology perspective. It...

Will AI replace human jobs in various industries or create new ones?


AI is being utilized in a variety of industries, and while it is likely to replace some jobs, it is also creating new ones. In healthcare in particular, AI can help with diagnosis and treatment, but it will never be able to completely replace human doctors.   AI is a technology that can solve problems by implementing human perception, reasoning, and learning abilities using computer...

Is genetic modification immoral because it violates a living being’s free will?


Genetic modification offers new opportunities for humanity, but it also raises moral and ethical issues. We will examine the ethics of this technology through the debate over whether genetic modification violates free will and parental responsibility.   Technological advancements bring new opportunities to humanity, but they also create new problems. It also changes moral conventions. After...

Why do we need to prevent free riding in groups and promote altruistic cooperation?


Free riding in groups puts an undue burden on some members, and the role of the leader and the moral obligations of the group are important to address this. Altruistic cooperation contributes to group survival and efficiency, which leads to social benefits.   The most problematic aspect of group work is free riding. Similar to taking a ride in a car without paying, the amount of...

How severe are the environmental changes we face due to climate warming?


Climate warming is caused by an increase in greenhouse gases, which are raising the average global temperature. Since the Industrial Revolution, carbon dioxide emissions have skyrocketed, accelerating the temperature rise. This is causing a variety of environmental changes, including melting glaciers, rising sea levels, natural disasters, and ecosystem disruption. To address these issues, efforts...

Does altruistic behavior to defend the family stem from genetic selfishness or from social and moral factors?


This article explains the kin selection hypothesis that selfish motivation at the genetic level manifests itself in altruistic behavior to defend family members, while also addressing the possibility that such altruistic behavior may also stem from social and moral factors independent of genes.   The Korean movie ‘ The Flag Flies ‘ depicts an older brother’s tearful...

What have we gained and lost in the 21st century smartphone era?


Since 2010, smartphones have drastically changed our lives. This article covers the concept and history of the smartphone, and the positive and negative changes it has brought. It also looks at the devices they’ve replaced and the impact they’ve had on our daily lives, and examines the present and future of the smartphone revolution.   The 21st century, especially since 2010, can...

What are the paradoxes of happiness and unhappiness that humanity will face in its quest for eternal life?


Humans have long dreamed of eternal life, but even if science and technology make it possible, happiness is not guaranteed. Eternal life can lead to a variety of problems, including resource depletion, social inequality, and a loss of meaning in life, so it is difficult to achieve happiness through eternal life alone.   From Qin Shi Huang’s quest to find the elixir of life, to medieval...

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!