
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

What have we gained and lost in the 21st century smartphone era?


Since 2010, smartphones have drastically changed our lives. This article covers the concept and history of the smartphone, and the positive and negative changes it has brought. It also looks at the devices they’ve replaced and the impact they’ve had on our daily lives, and examines the present and future of the smartphone revolution.   The 21st century, especially since 2010, can...

What are the paradoxes of happiness and unhappiness that humanity will face in its quest for eternal life?


Humans have long dreamed of eternal life, but even if science and technology make it possible, happiness is not guaranteed. Eternal life can lead to a variety of problems, including resource depletion, social inequality, and a loss of meaning in life, so it is difficult to achieve happiness through eternal life alone.   From Qin Shi Huang’s quest to find the elixir of life, to medieval...

How has the automobile evolved over 100 years to become the important industry it is today, and is it ready for the future?


  The automobile has undergone many transformations since its invention over 100 years ago, with more than 90 million vehicles produced annually using fossil fuels and electricity as energy sources. It is an important industry in South Korea, accounting for 80% of transportation and 10% of employment. However, advances such as autonomous driving technology are being made along with...

Nuclear Power’s Risks and Alternatives: How Should We Prepare for Our Energy Future?


Nuclear power enables efficient electricity generation, but it also poses risks, such as the Fukushima accident. To replace it, we need to reduce our reliance on nuclear power plants by reducing energy waste, developing renewable energy, and increasing power efficiency. By building a sustainable energy supply system, we can prepare for a safer and greener future.   Remember the Fukushima...

How can eugenics improve the quality of human life and have a positive impact on society?


Eugenics is the attempt to improve the quality of life by manipulating human genetic traits, and while it can be useful when limited to therapeutic purposes, unethical applications risk undermining human dignity. It is important to establish ethical standards through social consensus.   When we meet another human being, we ask them a number of questions to get to know their personality and...

Will technological advances push Homo sapiens beyond its own limits and evolve into something new?


Among the various predictions of the end of humanity, we explore the possibility that advances in science and technology will allow Homo sapiens to evolve into new, godlike beings. It explains how biotechnology, cyborg engineering, and non-organic engineering can overcome the limitations of Homo sapiens and transform it into a new form of being.   The end of humans, or Homo sapiens, has been...

The Miracle of the Han River and the Korean Ship Industry: Can shipbuilding and offshore engineering contribute to economic growth and sustainable development?


Since the 6.25 War, Korea has gone through an incredibly difficult time: the country was devastated by the war and its people lost their homes and lives, and the miracle of the Han River, and the ship industry and shipbuilding and offshore engineering are contributing significantly to Korea’s economic growth and sustainable development for environmental protection.   After the 6.25...

What is marine offshore engineering, the role of offshore plants and structures, and the importance of marine resource development and disaster response?


Shipbuilding and marine engineering goes beyond the design and construction of ships to study various fields such as marine resource development, environmental protection, and disaster response, including offshore plants and structures, which play an important role in sustainable development and safety.   Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering is a major that deals with all engineering problems...

The pitfalls of group work and how to stop free riders


The problem of free-riders in group work undermines a sense of community and collaboration. To combat this, small groups, repetitive assignments, and a reward and punishment system based on participation are effective ways to reduce free-riders and increase the effectiveness of group work.   It has been said, ‘If you look at university group work, you can see why communism is...

What are the laws of thermodynamics, and how do they relate to our daily lives?


  The laws of thermodynamics are the laws that govern the relationship between heat and mechanical work, and they are very relevant to our daily lives. The second law of thermodynamics, the law of increasing entropy, explains that natural phenomena occur in a direction of increasing disorder. It emphasizes the importance of conserving energy and protecting the environment, and small actions...

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!