
Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

How are communications interpreted and what is their importance in legal acts?


A legal act is an act that creates a legal effect through an expression of intent, such as a will or contract. Interpretation of legal acts is necessary when the intention of the signer is unclear or is interpreted differently from the signer’s true intention. Interpretation of legal acts plays an important role in determining the content of legal acts and judging whether they are...

How do literal, historical, and purposive interpretations allow for flexibility in the interpretation and application of the law?


Laws are written in general and abstract terms to apply to a wide range of matters, and literal, historical, and purposive methods of interpretation are used to apply them to specific cases. It also utilizes analogies and jurisprudential norms to fill in the gaps in the law, and it is important to reflect social changes and the needs of the times.   Law is stated in general and abstract...

What is the difference between probative and admissibility of evidence in court, and what are the roles of each?


The Code of Criminal Procedure requires that the facts of a crime must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt, which is called evidentiary jurisprudence. Evidentiary competence assesses whether evidence is legally qualified, while probative power assesses how much the evidence can contribute to the trier of fact. This ensures a fair and objective trial.   The Code of Criminal Procedure...

What information do I need to understand the importance, process, and precautions of real estate transactions and recordings?


The process of a real estate transaction involves a down payment, a midpoint payment, and the balance of the purchase price, followed by a formal transfer of ownership through registration. It is important to check the rights in a real estate transaction through the land registry, and to draft the contract thoroughly to prevent disputes.   The right to have control over an object is called a...

How to organize comparison and treatment groups in evaluating the effects of an event?


In economics, to evaluate the effect of an event, we compare the outcomes of the control and treatment groups. The double difference method is a way to analyze the impact of an event through these comparisons and is reliable when the parallel trend assumption is met. Using multiple comparison groups, or groups that are statistically similar in characteristics, can increase the reliability of an...

Is altruistic behavior in humans a genetic instinct or the result of social evolution?


Altruistic behavior in humans occurs because it’s advantageous for survival, and it’s related to genetic instincts. According to the kin selection hypothesis, close relatives are more likely to exhibit altruistic behavior, and this is observed in animals as well as humans. However, altruistic behavior in humans goes beyond genetic instincts and can also be seen as a result of social...

What are the different motivations for reading (e.g., teacher recommendation, friend recommendation, self-improvement, etc.) and how to keep reading?


Reading can be started for a variety of reasons, such as a teacher’s recommendation, a friend’s recommendation, or self-improvement, and reading motivation can be categorized into “because” motivation, which is the reason you start reading, and “for” motivation, which is what you want to achieve through reading. These motivations can help form and sustain a...

Can the concepts of right and wrong solve moral dilemmas?


When applying moral norms to real-life situations, we are faced with a choice between the universal principle of sangdo and the specific application of ke-do. Mencius sought to resolve moral dilemmas by using the two in harmony. In the modern world, the balance between the two can help us deal wisely with complex moral issues.   When we apply moral norms to concrete realities, we face the...

Why do we act differently in crowds?


People tend to behave differently in crowds. Psychological mechanisms such as herding, synchronization, and social facilitation explain this. Anonymity, peer pressure, and the presence of others influence behavior, and understanding these factors can help you make fair and accurate judgments.   There are many horrific incidents in the news these days. Don’t ask, don’t tell...

How has Beardsley’s theory of the aesthetic object influenced appreciation and criticism based on the objective properties of a work of art?


Beardsley argues that the aesthetic object of a work of art cannot be defined by the subjective attitudes of the viewer, but must be based on the objective properties of the work itself. Through the principle of distinction and the principle of perceivability, he emphasizes the intrinsic qualities of a work of art to the exclusion of the artist’s intentions and physical aspects.  ...

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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!