Beyond smartphones and smart robots, how can mechanical engineering change our future?



Following the smartphone revolution, smart robots are poised to take over. With their customizable features and modular design, smart robots will be used in a variety of fields, and mechanical engineering will play a key role in making them possible. Mechanical engineering is responsible for designing the physical structure and functionality of robots, which will help usher in the era of smart robots.


Mechanical engineering is the key to the coming era of smart robots

Smartphones are more than just communication devices, they are digital tools that have revolutionized the way individuals live today. Today, not only Apple, but also many other companies are competing in the global technology race with smartphones, and the latest smartphones with 5G, artificial intelligence, and augmented reality (AR) technologies are having an even greater impact on our lives.
One of the biggest strengths of smartphones is that they are ‘user-created phones’. Smartphones have their own computer operating system that allows users to download and use a variety of applications to customize their experience. You can install weather, compass, maps, and other programs to act as a travel guide, or you can turn it into a musical instrument with apps to play the violin or piano. Smartphones offer a completely different experience than traditional mobile phones, and are the first example of user-centered, personalized services.


Beyond smartphones: the rise of smart robots

The success of smartphones has shown that advancements in technology can deliver consumer-centric, personalized experiences. Now, engineers are preparing to go beyond smartphones and surprise the world once again. The next big innovation they’re preparing is “smart robots”. Smart robots are “user-created robots” that combine the best of smartphones with robotics. Users can program the robot to suit their needs and preferences, and expand its capabilities by adding various parts.
A key feature of smart robots is their modular design. One company makes the robot’s body, and other companies make a variety of accessories for the user to choose from. Users can equip their robots with accessories to give them different roles, such as small reconnaissance robots, cleaning robots, educational robots, and more. For example, a small wing can transform the robot into a drone that can scout enemy territory, while a vacuum cleaner can be used to clean around the house. The possibilities for smart robots are endless, and they will have a huge impact on many industries and our daily lives.


The development process of smart robots and the role of mechanical engineering

How are smart robots made? While they require a variety of engineering skills, including electronics and materials science, mechanical engineering plays an essential role in the process. Mechanical engineering plays an important role in designing and analyzing the physical structure and movement of robots. Even if other engineering disciplines develop advanced technologies, applying them to robots requires mechanical engineering to analyze and optimize various physical laws.
For example, to equip a robot with wings made of a new lightweight and elastic material developed in materials science, mechanical engineers must determine the shape, length, and width of the wings and design the most efficient wing shape through aerodynamic calculations. Or, say you’ve developed a small laser weapon using electronics, and you want to mount it on a reconnaissance robot and design a locomotion system that allows it to move freely, which requires mechanical engineers to calculate the forces that support and rotate the weapon for optimal performance.
Mechanical engineering isn’t just about assembling already-developed parts to fit the robot; it’s also about developing new elements. New types of leg structures are needed for robots to move safely across different terrains, and tiny robots that can be used in military operations are also designed by mechanical engineers by analyzing various forces. In addition, manufacturing facilities for mass production of finished robots are also designed and built by mechanical engineers. From design to manufacturing, mechanical engineering plays an important role in the entire process of smart robots.


Smart robots and the possibilities of mechanical engineering in the future

Smart robots are the revolutionary technology of the future, and their realization is just around the corner. Just as smartphones have revolutionized our daily lives, so too will smart robots revolutionize many different fields. However, for smart robots to become a reality, the collaboration of various engineering disciplines is essential, and mechanical engineering is a key foundation for smart robots. Mechanical engineering plays an essential role in designing the physical structure and functionality of smart robots, and is responsible for the various analyses and calculations required to optimize the robot’s performance.
Mechanical engineering is like the pillars of a building. No matter how nice and beautiful the building is, if the pillars are not strong, it will eventually collapse. The innovative technologies of the future, such as smart robots, can only be realized on the strong foundation of mechanical engineering. We look forward to the day when smart robots can fulfill various functions and roles based on mechanical engineering.


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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!