
Are historical facts subjective interpretations or objective truths?


Historical facts are events that happened in the past, and historians are divided into two schools of thought: Ranke, who sees them as objective facts, and Droysen, who interprets them as subjective perceptions. While Ranke argued that facts should be described as they are through thorough archival research, Droysen believed that the historian’s interpretation is crucial and that it is...

How do firecrackers light up the sky in different shapes and colors and make sound?


Every fall at the Seoul World Fireworks Festival, a variety of fireworks light up the sky. They create different shapes and colors depending on the placement of stars and metal elements, and they use flash powder and aluminum to control the sound. These techniques provide a spectacular visual and auditory treat, and they also have a positive impact on the local economy.   Every fall in South...

Could Ray Kurzweil’s 2045 singularity and artificial brain technology extend human life?


Ray Kurzweil argues that the 2045 singularity will allow artificial brain and organ technologies to dramatically extend human lifespans. But we need to consider the social and economic implications.   Google engineer Ray Kurzweil believes that building an artificial brain could lead to the creation of a human mind. He claims that the human brain will be able to be accurately mimicked by 2045...

Is industrial engineering a discipline of management science and data analysis that solves various problems in modern society?


Industrial engineering is not just limited to manufacturing, but is applied to various fields such as management science, data analysis, and system design to improve efficiency and solve problems. It emphasizes the interaction between technology and human factors, and plays an important role in many industries.   “Industrial Engineering? When I was in college, I think my friends in...

How advances in information and communications technology are impacting the way we communicate and socialize, and our ethical responsibilities


Information and communication technology is the convergence of computer and telecommunication technologies that enable the collection, transmission, and utilization of information. Korea is at the forefront with the spread of high-speed internet, and these technologies are shaping new ways of communication through social networks. At the same time, ethical responsibilities and dysfunctional...

How did Confucius use examples to restore social order and cultivate moral soldiers during the chaotic Spring and Autumn period?


To overcome the social chaos of the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius emphasized the importance of example and sought to correct social order and human relationships through the moral cultivation of just men and soldiers. He emphasized the importance of scholarship and education, and sought to raise moral standards by giving everyone the opportunity to become a soldier. Confucius’ ideas...

How does precipitation, such as rain and snow, form and what happens in the clouds before it falls to the ground?


Clouds are microscopic water droplets or ice crystals formed by the condensation of water vapor in the air. In temperate and boreal regions, precipitation is formed by the process of cryogenesis, and in the tropics, by the process of collision and merging, and falls as rain or snow. Precipitation plays an important role in the Earth’s water cycle and sustaining ecosystems.   How is...

How can neurofeedback technology treat attention deficit and insomnia?


Neurofeedback is a technology used to treat attention deficit disorder and insomnia that analyzes and manipulates a patient’s brainwaves in real time to improve symptoms. Brainwaves are collected through electrodes, converted to digital form and displayed on a screen, and patients are trained to regulate their own brainwaves. Through repeated training, specific brainwave patterns can be...

Why do archaeologists use different theories and methods to study changes in artifacts to reconstruct human life in the past?


Archaeologists seek to reconstruct human life in the past based on the artifacts they find in excavations. They use evolutionary archaeology and ecological theories to analyze changes in artifacts, with an eye toward understanding the social context in which they were used. These studies play an important role in revealing connections between the past and modern society.   The artifacts that...

How did Steiken’s painterly photography push the boundaries of photographic art?


In the early 19th century, photography was perceived as a means of reproducing reality, but photographers like Steiken began to pursue artistry by utilizing painterly techniques. Steiken’s ‘ Rodin with Victor Hugo and a Thinking Man ‘ is a representative example of a pictorialist photograph that emphasizes artistic expression through composite photography techniques and contrast...

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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!