
Why does the reciprocity hypothesis not fully explain human altruism?


This article focuses on the iteration-reciprocity hypothesis to explain human altruism, but also points out its limitations, including the example of a young man who lost his life trying to save a stranger on the subway.   According to evolutionary theory, organisms act in their own self-interest. However, if you look around you, you’ll often see people exhibiting altruistic behavior...

What is the history of antibiotics, how they work, and the need to overcome resistance?


In China, moldy tofu was used to treat rashes and boils as far back as 2,500 years ago, and in Korea, miso paste was used to treat wounds, indicating the efficacy of antibiotic substances. In the West, the concept of “antibiotics” was known before Fleming, but research and application were lacking. Antibiotics kill bacteria by inhibiting the production of their cell walls, and...

Do you know how sleep plays an important role in restoring our minds and bodies and keeping us healthy?


Sleep is essential for the restoration and maintenance of the mind and body, and is characterized by alternating periods of non-REM and REM sleep, which are characterized by a variety of brainwave changes that lead to deep sleep, which is also important for mental activity and learning.   Sleep is a state of periodic wakefulness to restore the body and mind from accumulated fatigue...

Is M&A the best strategy for competitive advantage?


Mergers and acquisitions offer a variety of benefits, including expanding market share, reducing costs, and acquiring technology, but they require a careful approach that considers risks such as antitrust issues and clashing organizational cultures.   Companies compete endlessly to maximize profits. One strategy for this competition is for one company to acquire or merge with another...

Why has altruism been able to survive and thrive in human populations, and how can group selection theory explain it?


While many scientists and philosophers agree that human selfishness increases the chances of survival, we discuss why altruism prevails in human groups and how group selection theory can explain it. They argue that altruism increases the survivability of groups through loyalty and cooperation, and that it also plays an important role in modern societies through culture and social regulation...

Why did the human respiratory and digestive systems evolve to intersect and create the risk of choking on food?


The human throat is structured in such a way that the respiratory and digestive systems intersect, creating the risk of choking on food, because it was the best evolutionary option. This structure is the result of the overlap of respiratory and digestive functions in early vertebrates and can be seen as an evolutionary compromise.   On Earth, about one in 100,000 people choke on food stuck...

Why are VR games so appealing to people and could change the future of gaming?


VR games provide users with a lifelike immersion experience that increases emotional engagement and enables a variety of experiences, which can have a huge impact not only on gaming but also on education, training, and other fields.   In recent years, more and more VR games have been released. People who have tried them all say they are amazing experiences, and some even say that this new...

Are constitutional amendments essential for the development of a changing society and country, or do they threaten the stability of the constitution?


Constitutions are the fundamental norms of a country and can be amended in response to political and economic changes. The theories of unlimited and limited amendment explain the necessity and limits of constitutional amendment.   In general, a constitution is a fundamental norm that sets forth the basic principles of a country’s governing organization and governing action, and is the...

How do errors of adoption and errors of rejection occur in athlete drug testing and what are the criteria for reducing them?


False positives and false negatives, which refer to false positives and false negatives, respectively, in athlete drug testing are important issues in a variety of fields, including drug testing and loan approvals, highlighting the importance of setting standards to maintain reliability and fairness.   When drug testing athletes after competition, athletes whose urine or blood samples are...

What are the security issues with DNS spoofing and how can you prevent it?


DNS spoofing is an attack that directs users to a fake site instead of the website they’re trying to access. It exploits a vulnerability in the UDP protocol and requires security measures like DNSSEC to prevent it.   DNS (Domain Name System) spoofing is the practice of directing internet users to a fake site when they try to access a site. This is accomplished by translating domain...

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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!