
Can catalysts, like magic stones, catalyze chemical reactions and play a key role in modern industry and in solving environmental and energy challenges?


Catalysts catalyze chemical reactions, making them an integral part of modern industry and playing an important role in the efficient use of energy resources and environmental preservation. Catalyst design methods provide a systematic approach to solving these problems and are becoming a key technology for future sustainable development.   Catalysts are also called magic stones. This is...

How are bond prices determined by interest rates, maturity, payment risk, and more, and how do investors evaluate them?


Bonds are issued to finance businesses, and their prices are determined by a variety of factors, including the issuer, interest rate, maturity, and insolvency risk. Investors use these factors to evaluate the current value and price of bonds, and formulate investment strategies based on the economic environment and market conditions.   Bonds are securities issued to finance a business. There...

How have maps evolved humanity’s spatial understanding, reflecting the needs of the times and technological change?


Maps are an important tool for humans to understand and communicate about space, and have undergone many changes from ancient times to modern times. Maps have become increasingly sophisticated in response to the needs of the times and technological advances, and have had a profound impact on society through governance, administration, and popular use.   Maps have been used since early times...

How surrealism and avant-garde art subverted conventional aesthetics, blurred the lines between reality and fantasy, and explored human desire!


  Surrealism and the avant-garde are revolutionary artistic movements that subverted conventional aesthetics and notions of art, bringing irrational perceptions and the subconscious to the surface, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy, and exploring human desire.   Surrealism Surrealism is a literary and artistic movement that opposes rationalism and naturalism, bringing to...

How did Surrealism evolve from Dadaism to become an artistic revolution that explored the unconscious and dream world?


  Surrealism evolved out of Dadaism in the early 20th century, drawing on Freudian psychoanalysis to explore the unconscious and the world of dreams. It became a distinctive expression in painting and film through the work of artists such as Salvador Dalí and Luis Buñuel.   Surrealist style of expression To put it simply, the surrealist style is an expression of something beyond reality...

How will the discovery of superconductors and solving the energy loss problem revolutionize our society and technology?


Superconductors are materials that have zero electrical resistance, a phenomenon that can maximize efficiency by reducing energy losses. This article describes the history of their discovery, their commercialization, and their potential to help solve the energy problem.   Modern science tells us that energy is conserved throughout the universe. It’s just that energy that is useful to...

Should philosophy take a backseat to science and struggle with uncertainty, or is it a tool for exploring the nature of human existence?


This article explores the relationship between philosophy and science, emphasizing that the profound questions philosophy addresses are not solved by the scientific method. It discusses that while science provides knowledge, philosophy provides wisdom to humans and plays an important role in the search for truth and the nature of existence.   “As Cicero had already observed, the only thing...

Which is more important for a creative city’s competitiveness: creative industries or creative class?


The importance of both creative industries and the creative class must be considered in order to strengthen the competitiveness of creative cities. A strategy that balances and harmonizes both factors is a key factor in determining the sustainable development of a city.   In recent years, creative cities have been discussed as a new strategy to improve the competitiveness of cities. A...

What is the rationale for voluntary enlistment as a solution to the coercive nature of conscription?


This article argues that the coercive nature of conscription leads to maladjustment and conflict in military life, and uses military experience to demonstrate that voluntary enlistment is a realistic alternative that can solve the problem while maintaining military strength.   Many years ago, a famous South Korean entertainer was banned from entering the country for evading military service...

Why do we still turn a blind eye to the social pain of illness and remain indifferent to the plight of patients?


The social impact of illness is still overlooked by many, and patients suffer further and are marginalized by social prejudice and ignorance. To address these issues, doctors and governments have a role to play, and education needs to be improved along with institutional changes.   The 21st century is the age of science. Science plays a key role in medicine, and as new treatments emerge...

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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!