
Can smartwatches transform our daily lives or will they be buried under fatigue?


  This article analyzes the public’s reaction to the rise of smartwatches and related technological advancements, pointing out that innovative technology can lead to fatigue and apathy if it doesn’t actually meet users’ needs.   The rise of smartwatches – between expectations and disappointments! The advent of smart watches, or rather, smart watches, signaled the...

Why does the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics make us rethink the nature of the act of ‘seeing’?


The uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics shows that an observer cannot accurately measure an object’s position and momentum at the same time, which forces us to reconsider the meaning and nature of what it means to “see” an object.   The uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics forces us to rethink what it means to “see” an object. This principle reveals a characterization of...

How does the structure and function of the glomerulus help the kidneys efficiently filter waste and toxins to support life?


The glomerulus plays an important role in filtering waste and toxins from the kidneys. Blood pressure, caused by the difference in diameter between the arterioles and arterioles, enables filtration, and the structure of the glomerular membrane is highly permeable, effectively filtering out small substances. This process is essential for maintaining homeostasis in the body.   Wastes and...

How does measuring fine dust with beta-ray absorption affect environmental management?


This article explains the principle and operation of a particulate matter meter using beta-ray absorption, how it can accurately measure the concentration of particulate matter in the air and why it is important. It also highlights the impact of measuring particulate matter on environmental management and public health.   Since fine dust, which is 10 micrometers in diameter or less, can...

Can private contracting be both efficient and in the public interest?


Discusses the nature of public services provided by governments and the pros and cons of private contracting, emphasizing that while private contracting can increase efficiency, it requires careful consideration and ongoing evaluation to ensure the public good.   Governments plan and carry out policies in the public interest and provide public services, which are tangible or intangible...

How do movies and comics utilize time and space, and how do they represent reality and imagination in different ways?


Movies and comics make different use of time and space in their representations, and while movies are realistic records of reality, comics are images that reflect the imagination of the artist, revealing unique aesthetic features without a direct connection to reality.   Perhaps one of the biggest differences between cinematic and comic representation in the traditional sense is the presence...

Green growth is a strategy that balances environmental protection and economic growth, but how can countries realize it?


  Since 2008, governments and companies have proposed green growth as a new growth engine that seeks both environmental protection and economic growth. To realize this, it is important to balance hardware and software and build a platform through intellectual collaboration.   Steps toward green growth Since the global economic crisis of 2008, governments and companies have proposed...

As transitional hybridization threatens conformity and identity, how can we reconcile traditional and foreign cultures?


Transitional hybridization is the uneven mixing of traditional and foreign cultures, threatening conformity and identity and undermining social integration. In the midst of this crisis, we need to think about how to harmoniously integrate traditional and foreign cultures.   Transitional mixed cultures face at least three new crises. These are: first, the crisis of conformity, second, the...

Is it possible to find time for contemplation in a competitive society, and how does it change your life?


  In a modern world of constant information and competition, where relaxation is often equated with laziness, we explore the importance of contemplation, the creativity and introspection it can foster, and how it can enrich our lives.   In a world where knowing things that others don’t know has become a competitive advantage, sitting still and doing nothing is seen as laziness. In...

What lessons can traditional lifestyles that seek spiritual rather than material abundance teach modern societies?


Traditional societies have maintained a way of life that values community ties and ecological balance over material abundance. Through the examples of the Kung people, Sahol, Kwakwaitl Indians, and the Maring people, we explore the adaptive systems that each culture has developed to fit their environment and the lessons these values can teach us for modern society.   We assume that all human...

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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!