
Is animal testing necessary for scientific advancement, or is it time to abandon it in favor of animal rights?


Animal testing has played an essential role in advancing human medicine and science, but there are also strong arguments for respecting the rights and welfare of animals. What choice do we have between scientific advancement and animal rights?   There’s a hot debate among scientists these days about the need to abandon animal testing. The argument that animals have rights just like...

Can humanity learn from the lessons of two world wars to prevent a third?


Humanity has made enormous sacrifices in two world wars, and tensions are still rising today with economic confrontations and nuclear threats. The possibility of a third world war still exists, but it may take a different form than in the past. Humanity is now at a crossroads where we need to consider what options we have for peace and coexistence.   Throughout human history, war has been an...

Do we appreciate cosmetics more if we know that they are not just beauty tools, but products of complex chemical processes?


We live in an age where appearance is important, and many people use cosmetics to achieve this. Cosmetics are produced through a complex chemical process from sample creation to mass production. This process requires research and development by chemical engineers to improve efficiency and safety, which results in high-quality cosmetics.   Appearance isn’t everything, but we live in a...

Could eternal life bring true happiness and prosperity to humanity, or will it create new problems?


Technological advances toward eternal life are increasingly making it possible to extend human life forever. However, it is still debated whether infinite life will bring happiness or lead to problems such as resource scarcity and social change.   Eternal life means immortality. It means that humans can live forever. Humans have been striving for eternal life since time immemorial, and with...

Are antidepressants’ effects real or placebo, and do their side effects warrant stronger regulation?


Antidepressants have been used for a long time in the belief that they are effective in treating depression, but studies and experiments have shown that their effectiveness is not significantly different from placebo and that they can have serious side effects. These problems have led to calls for the sale of antidepressants to be heavily regulated.   In April 2008, at a meeting of the...

Is religion a driver of human unity and progress or a source of conflict and inequality?


Religion has served to unite humanity through its transcendent legitimacy, and Christianity and Judaism, in particular, have driven the development and economic growth of Western civilization. However, religion sometimes leads to conflict and inequality, and its influence can be both positive and negative.   Because religion is endowed with transcendent legitimacy, it is unquestionable and a...

Why should we use education to discover our purpose in life, develop morals, and learn how to contribute to society?


This article discusses the purpose and importance of education and emphasizes that education should be connected to life purpose, not just knowledge transfer. Based on Herbart’s educational theory, we argue that moral formation and social contribution should be the end goal of education, and that the current education system needs to be improved.   We learn for different purposes, such...

Why is French cuisine recognized around the world and set the standard for haute cuisine?


French cuisine has developed through centuries of history and artistic tradition. It has a rich history of regional variations and courtly cooking, and with Escoffier’s innovative systematization in the 20th century, it became the foundation of the world’s haute cuisine. As a result, French cuisine is still regarded as one of the best in the world.   Cooking is a fundamental part...

Why did Albert Einstein not fully embrace the new paradigm of quantum mechanics and stick to his theories?


Albert Einstein did not fully accept the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics and stuck to his own theories. This was due to his strong belief in his theory, and it illustrates the boundaries of tenacity and obsession that scientists fight against new theories. While Einstein’s attitude can be seen as stubbornness, it can also be interpreted as an effort to maintain academic rigor...

Why does filmmaking require the collaboration of more than just the director and actors?


  There are four stages of filmmaking: planning, pre-production, production, and post-production, each of which requires the collaboration of a number of staff and technicians in addition to the director and actors. They play a crucial role in the completeness and quality of the movie, which is what makes it possible to present a meaningful work to the public.   Introduction Movies are...

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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!