
How do the birth and shifting memory of heroes reflect the desires and national imagination of an era?


The birth of heroes and the memory of them are reconstructed in changing times and peoples, reflecting how the desires and national imagination of each era mythologize and commodify them. Reinterpretations of heroes play an important role in bridging the past and present, and are deeply involved in the formation of national identity.   Exploring how heroes are created, how they are...

How can we, who do not know the truth, pose the question of truth through the awareness of anxiety and mortality?


This article begins with Socrates’ question and explores how the quest for truth is possible through Heidegger’s philosophy. It explains how the awareness of anxiety and mortality makes questions of truth and existence possible.   “It is not necessary to ask questions about what we already know. But it’s impossible to question what we don’t know at all. How, then, can...

Dissolution of Carbon Dioxide in Water and Dissolution of Salt: Physical or Chemical Changes?


This article explores the criteria for distinguishing between physical and chemical changes, and discusses the dissolution of carbon dioxide in water and the dissolution of salt. It analyzes these changes from a variety of perspectives, focusing on both phenomena as changes in the properties of matter and changes in molecular structure.   “Is the dissolution of carbon dioxide in water a...

Why do we perceive object colors differently in different lighting, and how did our eyes evolve to adapt to the environment?


Our eyes perceive the color of objects differently under different lighting conditions, which stems from differences in brightness and color perception. The eye is a complex regulator that detects contrast, color, distance, and depth, and adjusts the amount of light to suit the environment.   The color of an object seen under electric light or special lighting may appear different when...

If humans evolve through science and technology to become closer to an emotionless “god,” can we still call ourselves human?


With the advancement of science and technology, humans are able to choose to evolve, and there is a possibility that we can become closer to a “god” that transcends emotions. This article questions whether we would still be human if we lost our emotions in the process.   “I wish I had an extra arm!” There are many people around me who complain about how much easier it would be if they had an...

How did 20th-century artists subvert traditional perceptions of materials and create aesthetic value in their own right?


Twentieth-century artists reevaluated materials as central to artistic expression, not just as tools. They emphasized the raw qualities of materials, rejected traditional art forms, and explored new creative possibilities.   20th-century artists discovered the value and richness of materials. This is not to say that earlier artists did not understand that creative compositions emerge from...

Are mitochondria a double-edged sword that keeps cells alive but can harm them with free radicals?


Mitochondria are vital organs that produce energy to keep cells alive, but they also have a double-edged sword: they produce free radicals that can harm cells.   Humans need constant energy to stay alive and active. The main way the body gets this energy is by breaking down the nutrients in food. Specifically, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are broken down in the cells to produce energy...

Will modern scientific and technological advances create a new form of elite ruling class?


The rapid development of modern science and technology may not benefit all human beings equally and may lead to the formation of a new form of elite ruling class based on economic superiority, which could have serious implications for the future of humanity.   Not long ago, United Airlines in the United States made headlines for forcibly removing a yellow passenger from an airplane. It was...

Is it enough to regulate noise in public spaces, or do we need to create new spaces that recognize the cultural value of sound?


This article addresses the issue of noise in public spaces, pointing out the limitations of simple regulation and emphasizing the need for a proactive approach that recognizes the cultural value of sound and creates new spaces.   In the middle of a concert by a symphony orchestra, a cell phone rings, shattering the calm flow of the music and the serene tension. The audience looked around the...

When faced with the suffering of others in the modern world, how can we maintain and expand genuine compassion and solidarity?


Modern people are exposed to the suffering of others primarily through the media, but this creates emotional distance and undermines compassion. The need for compassion grows in the safety of modern society and the complexity of relationships, and true compassion can be realized through solidarity.   Modern people experience the suffering of others primarily through media such as the news...

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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!