
Why did Rosalind Franklin’s crucial contribution to the discovery of the structure of DNA go down in history without a Nobel Prize?


This article explores why Rosalind Franklin’s crucial contribution to the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA was never awarded a Nobel Prize, shedding light on the discrimination and prejudice faced by women scientists and examining the difficult realities of being a woman in science.   Ten years after the completion of the Human Genome Project, anyone with even a passing...

How are scientists introducing new designs and innovative technologies to reduce the heat generated by semiconductor chips?


The heat generated by semiconductor chips can degrade the performance and lifespan of devices, and to reduce it, scientists are introducing new materials and design approaches. In particular, innovative technologies such as double-gate and front-gate transistors are emerging as important solutions to reduce heat generation.   Ten minutes into a call with your phone to your ear, your ear is...

Why do individual rational choices not always lead to the good of society as a whole, and what can be done about it?


Individual rationality often fails to lead to the best interests of society as a whole, and solving this problem requires a heightened sense of morality, better communication, and policy guidance.   Can individual rationality and social rationality go hand in hand? This question has long been an important debate in various disciplines, including philosophy and political science, as well as...

Can the Kyoto Protocol’s Kyoto mechanisms achieve both GHG reductions and economic benefits?


The Kyoto Protocol, adopted in 1997, introduced the Kyoto mechanisms, including the Joint Implementation Mechanism, Clean Development Mechanism, and Emissions Trading System, to reduce greenhouse gases. These mechanisms promote cooperation between developed and developing countries, and are designed to allow them to pursue economic benefits and environmental protection at the same time.  ...

Will advances in artificial intelligence lead to positive change or a dystopian future?


While advances in artificial intelligence have the potential to bring convenience to humans, there are concerns that the emergence of a strong artificial intelligence could spiral out of human control, raising ethical issues and the risk of a dystopian future.   Humanity has gone through three industrial revolutions that have shaped the world like never before, and now we are preparing for...

Is human language a byproduct of the development of intelligence or a product of adaptation?


This article addresses the debate over whether human language is a byproduct of the development of intelligence or the result of adaptation by natural selection, exploring the issue from different perspectives and ultimately arguing that it is a product of adaptation.   “Why do we exist?” is the question Richard Dawkins first posed in his book The Selfish Gene. Few people can answer this...

How has the development of transportation changed our lives and economy in the 21st century?


This article explains how the development of transportation and communication has made the 21st century a “global village” and the social and economic changes it has brought about. It also points out that while the development of transportation has made life easier, it has also caused problems such as economic imbalance and environmental pollution, and emphasizes the need for sustainable...

How did cinema evolve from visual entertainment to a means of artistic expression that reconstructs reality?


The history of cinema has evolved from visual entertainment to experimenting with the possibilities of artistic expression. André Bazin’s realist aesthetic was particularly influential in establishing cinema as an important artistic tool for recreating and interpreting reality.   The history of cinema has been one of experimenting with artistic possibilities and discovering its own...

Is human intellectual capacity ushering in a new era of life creation beyond natural selection?


Human intellect is pushing the limits of natural selection and creating new life forms through genetic engineering and biotechnology. These technologies offer great promise, but they also raise ethical questions and responsibilities.   What do you think is the greatest power of humans? Most people would answer “intellect”. The picture of our evolution over time from monkeys to humans is best...

Technological advancements have made our lives easier, but has it had a positive impact on our mental well-being?


Technological advancements have greatly improved our lives, but the question remains whether these changes have had a positive impact on our mental well-being. By comparing happiness in the past and today, we can argue that technological advancements have contributed to material happiness but may not have had as much of an impact on mental happiness.   Technology has been improving endlessly...

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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!