
How 3D printers are revolutionizing manufacturing and enabling customized production in a variety of industries!


3D printers combine computer-aided design with additive manufacturing to create products in an additive fashion, enabling innovative and customized production in a variety of industries, including healthcare, aviation, and fashion. The technology is used for prototyping, medical devices, and aviation parts, among other things, and is helping to digitize and transform traditional manufacturing...

What was the impact of daguerreotypes and calotypes in the development of photography?


The evolution of photography was catalyzed by the advent of the daguerreotype and the calotype, each of which had a unique impact on the fields of portrait and landscape photography. Daguerreotypes became popular for portrait photography due to their fine detail, while calotypes were used for artistic expression due to their reproducibility and similarity to printmaking.   The emergence of...

Are rating systems the best way to fairly assess skills, or do they reveal the limits of quantification?


Rating systems are used in a variety of fields as a tool to objectively evaluate skills, but the process raises questions about the ability to quantify all skills.   Skill is the ability to do something. This “something” can be anything from studying, competitions, board games, online games, and more. People often say they are “good” at something because they see people who are better than...

Is medicine just the art of treating disease, or is it a philosophical wisdom that seeks to harmonize nature and humans?


Medicine is more than just a healing technique; it requires a philosophical approach that seeks to harmonize the laws of nature and human health. This has been the essence of medicine since ancient times, and it is an important value that should not be lost in the modern era.   Aristotle saw medicine as an exemplary case of transforming practical skills and knowledge into a true science. The...

Why ultrasound diagnostics have overcome the limitations of x-rays to become a safe and precise medical tool!


Emerging to address the dangers and high cost of X-rays, ultrasound diagnostics have become a safe and affordable alternative and are widely used in a variety of medical fields. The technology mimics the ability of animals to utilize ultrasound, allowing for precise diagnosis of even the most sensitive parts of the human body.   Until the discovery of X-rays in 1895, no one thought it would...

Brutal murder in the name of honor: a path to true honor or a rationalization of distorted values?


This article critically analyzes the concept of honor killings, arguing that they are really just violence justified by a distorted sense of honor, and that true honor can never be achieved at the expense of life. Suggest why and how legal and social change is needed.   Honor killing is the killing of a member of a group by another for having tarnished the honor of the family, tribe, or...

Aesthetic indifference and how art can promote change in the human experience in a social and ethical context!


This article discusses aesthetic indifference and the nature of art, exploring how art can go beyond mere beauty to promote human introspection and change in social and ethical contexts.   Let’s say a shivering white rose is in front of us. It is one and the same object, but there are many different ways of perceiving it: it can be seen as a commodity that generates profit, or as an...

What is the nature of art, how do we define the concept, and how can we understand different art forms?


We will explore the nature of art, compare traditional and modern approaches to art theory, and discuss how the definition of art has expanded and different forms of art have been recognized as new genres.   When asked what art is, we might say something like Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa or Beethoven’s symphony or ballet Swan Lake. And we wouldn’t be wrong. But what would...

When humans manipulate genes to create a new human race, are we prepared to deal with the consequences?


In the past, humans were considered creatures of God, but with the advent of evolutionary theory, they have taken on the role of creators themselves. Now, attempts are underway to create a new human race through genetic manipulation, which poses significant ethical and social challenges for the future of humanity.   Historically, humans have been considered creatures of God. Human...

How does our traditional music preserve the independence of each instrument while creating an overall harmony?


This article explains the process of creating a unique musical aesthetic that is different from Western music through the unique characteristics of the timbre, duration, and melody of Korean traditional music. It explores the depths of traditional music that preserves the independence of each instrument while achieving overall harmony.   Music is an art that is made of sound, so if the sound...

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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!