
Can nuclear fusion energy be a safe and sustainable energy source to replace the dangers of nuclear power?


  This article uses the Korean movie Pandora to warn of the dangers of nuclear power, explains the principles and benefits of nuclear fusion energy, and explores the potential for nuclear fusion to become a safe and sustainable energy source for the future.   Introduction The South Korean movie Pandora follows the struggle to prevent a secondary explosion and leakage of radioactive...

The transformative potential of gene-scissor technology and the safety and ethical concerns – how to address them?


Gene-scissor technology has the potential to revolutionize the food supply of genetically modified foods and the treatment of intractable diseases in the biomedical industry, but there is an ongoing discussion to address safety and ethical issues.   In the modern world, technological developments are happening very quickly. For example, our cell phones were only used for calling and texting...

How did Anselm reconcile faith and reason, and how did he attempt to prove the existence of God through ontological proofs?


  Anselmus saw the relationship between faith and reason as complementary, and he attempted to prove the existence of God through reason. He argued that God is real through ontological proofs of God, but this logic was criticized by several philosophers.   Anselmus’ Reason: The relationship between faith and reason Anselmus is often referred to as the father of Scholastic...

Did Augustine believe that humans can achieve true happiness and justice by loving God?


  Augustine argues that humans can reach true happiness by loving God, that evil is the lack of good, and that justice can be realized through divine authority, even in war and politics.   Augustine’s way of happiness Augustine defines ethics as the inquiry into the highest good. The highest good is the good that sets the standard by which we should act, the good that is an end in...

How can smart textiles redefine the importance and possibilities of color in fashion and other industries?


Smart textile technology is a revolutionary technology that uses light and heat to freely change the color of textiles, and it has the potential to be used not only in fashion but also in a variety of industries, including healthcare, architecture, and more. The commercialization of this technology could take the guesswork out of choosing the color of clothing for consumers by addressing...

How is MEMS technology infiltrating our daily lives and changing the future?


MEMS technology is a class of microelectromechanical systems that are having a profound impact on our lives, from sensors in smartphones to innovations in healthcare. In this article, we’ll cover what MEMS technology is, where it’s used, and where it’s headed, with the goal of educating the public about its importance.   Mechanical engineering has had a profound impact on...

Can interactions between protein channels and muscle cells explain the complexity of life phenomena?


While traditional reductionist molecular biology explains life phenomena as functions of individual elements, systems biology seeks to understand life phenomena by integrally analyzing the complex interactions between these elements. Dennis Noble’s work on the virtual heart demonstrates that the beating of the heart is caused by feedback effects between protein channels and muscle cells...

How does the iteration-reciprocity hypothesis explain altruistic behavior in humans and animals, and what are its limitations?


This article is about the repetition-reciprocity hypothesis, which explains altruistic behavior in human and animal societies. The hypothesis states that altruistic behavior is driven by conditional cooperation strategies, and while it can explain altruism in non-kinship contexts, it has limitations in explaining altruistic behavior in non-repetitive interactions and interactions between multiple...

How have Western artists viewed, interpreted, and reflected nature in their art from ancient to modern times?


From ancient times to the present day, Western artists have interpreted nature in a variety of ways and reflected it in their works of art. In doing so, their perceptions and approaches to nature have changed over time and through different schools of thought, from classicism, romanticism, modernism, and contemporary ecological art.   Throughout the ages, from ancient to modern times...

Smartphones, a revolutionary essential tool or a source of addiction and social problems?


Smartphones have become an essential tool in modern life, offering advanced features like PCs. However, they have also become a source of addiction and health risks, raising the question of whether their development has been a positive change.   The definition of a smartphone is a cell phone that offers advanced features alongside the functionality of a personal computer (PC). Smartphones...

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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!