
Smartphones, a revolutionary essential tool or a source of addiction and social problems?


Smartphones have become an essential tool in modern life, offering advanced features like PCs. However, they have also become a source of addiction and health risks, raising the question of whether their development has been a positive change.   The definition of a smartphone is a cell phone that offers advanced features alongside the functionality of a personal computer (PC). Smartphones...

When will we be able to use skinfoot technology to operate computers using our body as an input tool?


Skinfoot is an innovative technology that allows you to interact with a computer using your skin as a touchscreen. It utilizes a part of your body as an input tool, opening up new possibilities for the future of computing combined with wearable devices.   In recent years, various forms of computer user interfaces have been developed that can be naturally carried anywhere and anytime. An...

How has performance changed from the transmission of emotion to a process of interpreting and recreating music?


In 18th-century music, performance was the objective conveyance of emotion, but with the rise of aesthetics in the 19th century and beyond, performance transformed into a process of interpreting the composer’s intentions and, by extension, recreating music through subjective emotion. In the 20th century, performance became an important aspect of music appreciation as the originality of the...

Is the impact of celebrity overlap on ad effectiveness positive or does it undermine consumer trust?


When a celebrity appears in multiple ads, consumers may feel confused and the effectiveness of the ad may decrease. The model’s credibility may be diminished, weakening their connection to the product and ultimately causing them to question the authenticity of the ad’s message.   Celebrity models are a surefire way to capture consumers’ attention. Celebrity models can...

Why have East Asian societies developed a strong collectivist culture, and how did Confucianism play a role in this?


The strong collectivist culture in East Asian societies stems from the idea of study abroad, which emphasizes the role of human beings in social relationships and as moral agents, and thus emphasizes social harmony and moral growth. Studying abroad aims for personal moral perfection and social harmony, which played an important role in the formation of East Asia’s collectivist culture...

How has searchable reading in the internet age evolved and transformed from the traditions of silent, silent, and tea reading of the past?


The rise of searchable reading with the development of internet technology has changed the way and meaning of reading. The traditions of drinking, silent reading, and tea reading have evolved according to the needs of the times, and today’s reading has taken on a new dimension that emphasizes information processing and critical thinking.   Thanks to the rapid spread of internet...

Can e-nose technology replace the human sense of smell and revolutionize medical, environmental, and food safety?


E-nose technology is a machine that mimics the human sense of smell and has shown promise in a variety of applications for analyzing odors. However, technological advances and challenges remain before it can fully replace the sophistication of the human sense of smell, and solving them could revolutionize healthcare, the environment, and food safety.   Technologies that mimic the human...

How does Hartmann’s layered theory explain how the foreground and background of a work of art can create a deeper dialog between viewer and artist?


Hartmann’s layered theory divides a work of art into a sensory foreground and an ideological background, and argues that the foreground allows the viewer to access the mental meaning of the background and enter into a deep dialog with the artist. This emphasizes that art appreciation goes beyond mere pleasure and becomes an important experience that fosters the viewer’s spiritual...

Does utilitarianism seek the happiness of the greatest number at the expense of individual rights and justice, or can it include social justice?


Traditional utilitarianism judges moral worth based on the happiness produced as a result of an action, which is sometimes criticized as it can ignore concepts of justice and rights. However, rule utilitarians argue that utilitarianism can include social justice in the long run, seeking to reconcile moral rules with happiness.   Traditional utilitarianism is the predominant ethical theory...

Are prices set at auctions reasonable, or does the winner’s curse lead to overvaluation in the heat of the moment?


When an item that wins an auction turns out to be overvalued over time, this is known as the winner’s curse. If buyers don’t behave rationally, auctions can lead to unexpected losses, making it difficult to form efficient prices.   In one auction, John Lennon’s guitar was sold for more than 10,000 times its purchase price. The guitar was not just a musical instrument, but...

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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!