
Which provides more survival and social advantage: altruistic or selfish behavior?


Although being selfish can be advantageous for survival, altruistic behavior is more prevalent in society. This can be explained by the eusociality effect. Altruistic people tend to associate with similarly inclined people, and based on social norms, reciprocity, and kin selection theory, altruistic behavior is beneficial in the long run for both individuals and groups. However, the benefits of...

Why does the balance of egg-laying and non-egg-laying birds maintain ecosystem stability?


Using Richard Dawkins’ theory of the selfish gene and the evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) theory, we explain how the balance of eggs and non-eggs is a strategy that reflects the genetic selfishness of each individual while maintaining the stability of the ecosystem.   In his book The Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins rejects the concept of species, which has been used by the...

Why do people choose expensive luxury goods at the expense of economic irrationality?


This article explains the reasons behind the consumption of expensive luxury goods through the expensive signaling hypothesis. People buy expensive products to show off their social status and ability, a behavior that may be economically irrational but is essential for gaining social acceptance and favorable opportunities.   If you watch Korean dramas, you’ll often see actresses who...

How did diamonds go from an arrangement of carbon atoms to a variety of new materials and the important role of materials engineering?


The Department of Materials Engineering researches various new materials, including diamonds, to improve the quality of human life and contribute to industrial development. The department develops innovative materials in various fields such as semiconductors, batteries, and artificial organs, and is constantly challenging the future to open up new possibilities.   Since ancient times, the...

How is the Internet of Things changing our lives and future, and how can we address the security challenges it poses?


The Internet of Things is revolutionizing our lives by connecting a wide variety of devices to the internet and providing personalized services to users. However, with the increased risk of privacy and cyberattacks, it is imperative to strengthen security. Businesses need to implement regular security updates and redundant security systems, and users need to check for the latest security updates...

Will advances in biotechnology cause the extinction of Homo sapiens and enable the creation of a new human race?


Advances in biotechnology hold the promise of preventing disease, enhancing physical and intellectual capabilities, and even creating a new human race through genetic manipulation. However, the ethical and social issues that these technologies bring with them require deep thought and social consensus.   Today, humanity is accomplishing things that are only imagined in science fiction. We...

Will advances in biotechnology lead to the voluntary end of Homo sapiens, or will it mean the birth of a new humanity?


The movie E.T. (1982) explains the concept of evolution through the differences between aliens and humans, and explores how modern biotechnology can change humanity. It discusses whether advances in biotechnology will bring about the end of Homo sapiens or create a new humanity with a better life, and raises social and ethical issues.   In the movie E.T. (1982), aliens are shown as human...

The end of Homo sapiens, a new species, and how science and technology will fundamentally change humanity!


With the rapid development of science and technology, Homo sapiens has the potential to evolve into new beings through biotechnology, cyborg engineering, and non-organic engineering. These changes pose the challenge of redefining and re-conceptualizing humanity.   As we learned in elementary school, we started out as Australopithecus, passed through several stages, and are now Homo sapiens...

Why do humans and animals help other individuals, sometimes at the cost of their own lives? (A look at the kin selection hypothesis and its limitations)


The kin selection hypothesis is a theory that explains altruistic behavior in which individuals help their kin to protect and spread their genes. Using the examples of honeybees and meerkats, we will explore the applicability and limitations of this hypothesis, discussing the complexity of altruistic behavior and the need for different approaches.   What do humans, bees, and meerkats have in...

Will we evolve into a new species or go extinct as a result of advances in genetic engineering, or is the future beyond our imagination?


Exploring the possibility of humanity evolving into a new species through genetic modification as genetic engineering advances, we discuss whether reproductive isolation and genetic change will mean the extinction of Homo sapiens or whether it is simply part of evolution. The implications of these changes for human social structure and life are considered, along with predictions of human...

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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!