
Is genetic modification a necessary part of evolution to adapt to the rapid changes of modern society?


Genetic modification is a common theme in science fiction movies, and unlike gene therapy, it’s a technology that improves human form or function. While popular media portrays it negatively, from an evolutionary perspective, genetic modification may be essential to our fast-paced modern society. The harmonization of genes and environment is important to adapt to rapid environmental change...

Can humans stop being God’s creatures and become their own creators?


Humans have long been viewed as creatures of God, but Darwin’s theory of evolution changed this view. Today, humans are attempting to create new life forms through genetic manipulation, which could lead to conflict and war between new species and the current human race. The ethical and social implications of genetic manipulation must be carefully considered.   Historically, humans have...

How can religion and science reconcile the long-standing conflict over evolution and creation?


The recent discovery of the Higgs boson and the eponymous bird controversy have brought the conflict between religion and science to the forefront, intensifying the debate between evolution and creationism. Theistic evolutionism attempts to reconcile the two, accepting creation as a belief and evolution as a process and viewing them as different categories. This has led to various attempts to...

How stem cell research is driving the 21st century biotechnology revolution and contributing to curing diseases!


Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that can differentiate into various body tissues and are divided into embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells, and induced pluripotent stem cells. These stem cells offer revolutionary possibilities for the treatment of several diseases, including leukemia, Parkinson’s disease, and diabetes, and induced pluripotent stem cells in particular are considered...

Stem cells, a game changer for the future of medicine? (Stem cell characteristics, types, uses, and ethical debates)


Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that have the ability to differentiate into specific cells and are characterized by their ability to divide indefinitely. They are categorized into embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells, and reverse differentiated stem cells, and are utilized in various fields such as regenerative medicine and drug development, but embryonic stem cells in particular have...

Is nuclear power essential for energy independence in the age of global warming?


In the wake of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan, nuclear power is still important for reasons such as generating cheap electricity, combating global warming, and providing a reliable source of energy. On the other hand, we also have to consider the risk of radiation leaks and safety concerns. Along with the development of various renewable energy sources, it is essential to manage the...

How does intelligent design challenge scientific paradigms and where does it fit into the debate with evolution?


The theory of intelligent design is controversial in the scientific community, claiming that life is the result of an intelligent designer rather than chance. Scientists criticize it as unprovable and contrary to positivism, but intelligent design offers the possibility of expanding the frontiers of science with new approaches that go beyond naturalism.   In his book Intelligent Design...

Can we distinguish between real and virtual reality, and is one superior to the other?


In this article, we will discuss the distinction and superiority of real and virtual reality through the story of “Phalaenopsis Orchid Dream” from “Zhuangzi”. There is no standard for distinguishing between the real and the fake, and the superiority of a choice depends on an individual’s subjective value judgment. This is similar to the conflict of Neo in the movie...

Evolutionary paradox: How can altruistic behavior contribute to the survival of individuals and species?


According to evolutionary theory, animals must act selfishly to win the competition for survival, yet some animals and humans exhibit altruistic behavior. How did altruistic behavior evolve, and what are the hypotheses behind it? This question is explored through the costly signaling hypothesis.   All animals, including humans, strive to maintain themselves and their species. According to...

How did communication technology evolve from ancient gestures to modern artificial intelligence?


Communication technology has evolved from ancient gestures and language, through the telegraph and telephone, to modern cell phones, satellite communications, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things. Early wired communication began with telegraphs using electromagnetic induction, and wireless communication developed based on Marconi’s wireless telegraph and Maxwell’s...

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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!