
The Power of Positive Language, Masaru Emoto’s Water Experiment, and Evaluating the Influence of Words in Modern Science


This article explores the power of positive language through Masaru Emoto’s “Water Knows the Answer” experiment and Young Don PD’s x-Files experiment, and discusses the controversy in the scientific community surrounding them and the boundaries between pseudoscience and science. He explains the definition of science and paradigm shifts through the perspective of...

Should data ownership belong to data subjects or big data holders?


The debate over data ownership is an ongoing one between data subjects and big data holders. Recently, the debate has evolved in favor of strengthening data subjects’ rights through data portability instead of ownership. Data portability allows data subjects to freely transfer and control their data, facilitating the flow of data between companies.   Records, such as transportation...

Can textbooks really show us the true face of science?


Textbooks are the first introduction to science education for most people, but they don’t convey the true process of scientific research. Science advances not through accumulated knowledge, but through innovation and paradigm shifts, and this requires an education that includes the history of science and the process of scientific inquiry.   How were you first introduced to science...

How do proficient readers use background knowledge and reading strategies to comprehend texts and contribute to society?


Proficient readers use background knowledge to comprehend texts, adapt reading strategies to context, and contribute to solving personal and societal problems through sustained reading activities. They use post-reading reflection and evaluation to fulfill the purpose of reading.   Proficient readers have the ability to effectively use background knowledge to understand and reconstruct the...

Will advances in science and technology drive humanity to extinction, or will genetic engineering and cyborg engineering create superhuman beings?


Homo sapiens, the human species, may be at risk of extinction due to rapid advances in science and technology. Advances in genetic engineering and cyborg engineering have opened up the possibility of creating superhuman beings, which could result in natural selection pushing us out of existence.   Few people are unaware that the dinosaurs, the rulers of the earth, are extinct, that the...

How do the median voter theorem and rational ignorance model in public choice theory affect democratic decision-making?


Public choice theory analyzes political decision-making from an economic perspective and uses the median voter theorem and the rational ignorance model to explain the interaction between politicians and voters. The median voter theorem explains that politicians will align their policies with the preferences of the median voter, and the rational ignorance model explains that voters remain ignorant...

A crush that started in a dorm, how to increase the chances of a successful confession?


I struggled to find a place to live after I left school because I didn’t have the courage to talk to the guy I saw in the gym every day during my dormitory days. Over time, I saw him several times, but I never got up the courage to ask him, and by the time I finally got his contact information, he was already seeing someone else.   When I was a freshman living in a dorm, there was a...

How does value neutrality affect academic and technological progress, and what are its limits and ethical responsibilities?


Maximilian Weber’s idea of value neutrality in academia has had a profound impact on the fields of education and technology. Educators should teach a variety of values, and the debate about limiting technological development is still ongoing. The side effects and ethical responsibilities of big technology should also be discussed.   The value neutrality of academia was advocated by...

How do search engines quickly find the right web pages for a query and order them based on importance and relevance?


Search engines consider hundreds of entries to quickly find web pages that are relevant to a search query and order them based on importance and relevance. To do this, search engines build an index in advance and evaluate the importance of web pages by analyzing links and calculating relevance. They use artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to understand the user’s search...

How GMO labeling and advances in genetic engineering could change our future!


A petition for full GMO labeling has been launched in South Korea, which seeks to require GMO foods to be labeled. Yuval Harari warns that genetic engineering could lead to the extinction of the human species, which he argues would mean breaking the law of natural selection and replacing it with intelligent design. He emphasizes that while advances in genetic engineering offer many benefits, they...

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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!